5 Critical Employment Law Facts Gen Z Needs To Know


Congratulations on your new job. As a newbie employee, you should be excited about this new chapter in your life.

Knowing employment law is just as important as knowing your rights as a citizen. Always speak to HKM Employment Lawyers before you sign any employment contract to understand what is required of you entirely.

If born between 1997 and 2012, you would fall under the Gen Z category. As you might be heading into the workforce soon if you are not already working, here are some law facts you need to know.

An Employee Is Entitled To Minimum Wage

Since 2009, the federal minimum wage has been set at $7.25. Although each state (and possibly some cities) can define its minimum wage set. According to The FLSA (Fair Standards Of Labour Act), your employer cannot pay you less than the minimum wage.

Although, some workers are classified as tipped employees and are subject to a federal minimum wage that is considerably lower. According to the FLSA, if an hourly employee works more than 40 hours per week, they qualify to receive overtime. However, this does not apply to salaried workers.

In The Event Of Discrimination, An Employee Can Take Legal Action

Employees subjected to workplace discrimination have the legal right to sue their employer. This includes submitting a lawsuit or a complaint to the appropriate state or federal agency. Discrimination is a serious offense with severe consequences.

Unfortunately, racial discrimination is still common in the workplace. It is essential for workers who are racially profiled or discriminated against to report the behavior to a manager or higher-up.

Overtime Pay Is Due To Employees Working More Than 40 Hours Weekly

Overtime pay is available to employees who work more than 40 hours weekly. Their hourly salary rate determines the level of overtime compensation received by an employee. If an employee is paid $30 per hour, they are entitled to time and a half (i.e., $45) for each hour of overtime.

Employers are not required to pay overtime to employees exempt from these laws (salaried, administration, and other)

An Employer Can Only Fire An Employee For A Legitimate Reason

It is probable to sue an ex-employer for wrongful termination if a former employee is dismissed for unlawful reasons. When a manager or boss terminates an employee due to allegations of workplace harassment or discrimination, they can sue their former employer for unfair dismissal or termination.

Employment lawyers make the procedure easier for employees and increase their chances of receiving compensation.


While certain kinds of leave are mandated by law, others are granted as a courtesy by employers. In truth, the FLSA does not regulate a lot of employment practices. Unlike sick (medical) leave, which requires 12 weeks of unpaid leave, it does not involve vacation time.

Although these five facts are essential to know, there are other labor laws that you should familiarize yourself with to protect yourself and other employees.