Management the Disciplines of Relationship-Building



Managing the disciplines of relationship-building by John C Maxwell

I was deeply moved by this article, It may seem very basic but it is all we need to improve our relationship to others, most especially to our loved ones.

John Maxwell outlined them in 5 to dos which will be helpful in our everyday interactions.

1. Put Others First
Practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

2. Don’t Carry Emotional Baggage
Resolve the issue, forget about it and move forward.

3. Give Time to Your Most Valuable Relationships
Our family are mostly taken for granted after a day’s tiring work at the office. It should not be the case, after all they are all we got when others turn sour on us.

4. Serve Others Gladly
Adding value to others is the greatest thing we can do in this life.

5. Express Love and Appreciation Often
The best way to help people is to see the best in them. Encourage them in every way possible.

More of this article on John Maxwell Blog
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