5 Elements of a Perfect Web Design Proposal


5 Elements of a Perfect Web Design Proposal

You probably chose to become a web designer so that you could create fantastic websites. Doing work with slow-paying clients or spending countless hours looking for jobs were not part of the plan. It also didn’t include writing web design proposals, but unfortunately, this is the situation you find yourself in.

Before they consider employing you, quality clients expect to see proposals. To make the initial part of negotiations easier, you can always make use of a website proposal template. This kind of proposal is a great foundation that you can use to pitch your web design services. See also, the best web design agencies in the world.

However, you should also make sure that you have the following elements in the proposal.


You should begin your web design project proposal with an issue overview. Here, you demonstrate to your potential customer a challenge or, conversely, an opportunity that they may be overlooking.

This problem statement will help you grab the client’s attention right away, demonstrating how well and thoroughly you know their business, problem, and requirements. Furthermore, by stating the client’s difficulties, you may help them feel certain that you can solve their problems.

Your business proposal needs to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the problem and that you have a solution for it. This stage will help you establish your responsibilities and the scope of the project, in addition to demonstrating your understanding.

A more in-depth solution description

Following your brief introduction and the section about the challenge (problem), you need to start formulating a solution. Here, you should do your best to explain the business benefits of your design practice.

You’ll position yourself as a key player in driving their future commercial success if you use business terminology to illustrate design’s positive impact on their difficulties. For instance, you can explain how the new design will increase income and improve company branding to demonstrate value.

When presenting your thoughts and potential solutions, attempt to anticipate the conversations the prospect will have within their company, as well as the language they will use. Let your solution section present a deeper dive into your expertise of their problem.

Provide a timeline

In this part, you can elaborate on how your process will work within a time period. This is where you’ll tell the client when they can expect drafts, prototypes, tests, rounds of revisions, and so on.

Some additionally include a list of the supplies and procedures that will be required throughout the workflow, for instance, editing images, editing texts, etc.

You should also learn from the mistakes of others and make it clear that delivering all of these assets on time is contingent on all parties involved.

Price proposal

As a general guideline, it is recommended that you ask the client directly what their total budget for the project is. This should happen during your conversation with them, even before you start working on the proposal. Ideally, this will help you decide whether or not you should undertake the project in the first place.

If the budget is sufficient, this part will assist you in breaking down the cost to its smallest aspects and displaying a clear breakdown of expenditures as well as a total.

This is useful not only for your clients to see but also for assisting you in determining the correct project price without overpricing or underpricing yourself.

You don’t have to go into detail about how much coffee and snacks you’ll consume during the assignment. Just enough for the client to understand that your quote is realistic and justified.

Try to eliminate as many external variables as you can to get the most precise price and timeline for your project.

Final CTA

After the pricing section is complete, many experts include a call-to-action section. You don’t want to put up any roadblocks or reasons for them not to hire you.

Many potential clients may be turned off by the process of printing off the proposal, signing it, scanning it with the signature, and sending it back to you. That’s why you want to make your proposal as user-friendly as possible.

As soon as they finish reading that last portion, you want to encourage them to say “Yes.” The following are a few examples of these techniques:

  1. Adding the opportunity to digitally sign a PDF There are a plethora of such services to choose from on the internet.
  2. You could also request that they email you a confirmation so that you can begin the job.
  3. There are also specific proposal tools where the client merely needs to click an ‘Accept’ button to begin the project.

Final thoughts

Keep in mind that clients are primarily interested in their own projects and how you can assist them. That’s why you need to make it easy for them to say the famous “Yes”. Simply put, you want to organize the data in your proposal in the most persuasive way possible.