6 Jobs for People Who Love Speaking


There are a lot of high-paying jobs out there that rely heavily on those who have incredible talking and communication skills. From the CEO of a giant tech company to exit planner for mergers & acquisitions to the press secretary of the United States, the world of opportunities opens up to those who love to speak.

Although you might be used to loving speaking and having the confidence to speak, this isn’t true for everyone, and so your skill might be somewhat of a rarity that employers will love to get a grasp of, so be sure to make use of this and apply where you see fit!

If you’re someone who enjoys talking and relaying information and simply being an ultra-active and communicative member of your workplace, then some of these might be worth considering below.

  1. Human Resources Specialists

Off the top, one of the best jobs for those who love to communicate is a role in human resources.

You will find that in your day to day you will work with a number of people to guide them through typical HR procedures for your workplace.

Added to this, a lot of team members will come to you for assistance and with questions related to the workplace, and you may often need to mobilise a workplace or organise meetings and talk to entire departments regarding issues.

You will need some form of formal education for these roles, though flexible online courses like those from Monarch make it quite easy to fit these classes into your daily workflow.

  1. Public Relations Expert

If there is one role that demands you be fantastic at communicating and speaking, it is a public relations role.

As someone who works in public relations you will almost always be on the phone or in a meeting with someone or a tonne of people talking through strategy to help form and mould a business’s image. Whether these people are investors, consumers or government personnel and even reporters, you and your briefings will often be their first point of contact, which will mean that you’re sometimes the face of a brand’s PR too.

  1. Reporters

Another job that is fantastic for those who love to speak is the reporter.

Depending on the role you find yourself in, you may be working alongside and questioning a tonne of high-profile people as well as some people just living their everyday life.

Essentially you are going to be someone who interviews and talks with countless people to form well-rounded stories about a specific scandal or topic and this involves a lot of speaking, investigation and interviewing.

For these roles you may be required to have some form of formal education.

  1. Event Planners

It is no secret that planning an event takes a tonne of people, and as the event planner you’ll be working to communicate and speak with as many of these people as possible.

Whether it’s an event for a corporation, a wedding, school or anything else, you will find yourself the main man or woman behind organising everything from food, music, seating, venues and more.

You will also need to regularly convene with your clients who are hosting the event to update and relay information about the event upcoming, and this means more speaking and planning.

  1. Customer Service Representative

One of the more love or hate roles on our list is the customer service rep.

These types of roles, though front-facing, will require a lot of speaking with customers through any issues or questions they may have when it comes to the company you’re working for.

If you’re someone who loves speaking, you will have your chance in your day to day role to work with clients and customers and talk them through purchase decisions or working to develop a discount for them.

These roles also require listening skills and problem solving skills too.

  1. Receptionist

To our final job, the receptionist role is another fantastic consideration for those who enjoy meeting new people and talking them through the process that’s about to unfold.

Whether for a clinic, store or anywhere else, you will be the face of the business and that means a smile and positive attitude will need to come with your love speaking to customers and clients. In a lot of businesses, a receptionist’s daily tasks can include things such as bookings and sales support too, and this means you will have the chance to do more than just check in customers or patients, for example, and be able to be a little more hands-on with your work.

These roles are often both phone and desk-based, so a good ability to speak and listen over the phone and face to face is needed here.