Types of Medical Equipment an Emergency Clinic Might Need


The utilization of medical equipment in clinics is of the utmost importance. Using equipment allows doctors and nurses to assess the needs of their patients. Because of this, it’s critical to know exactly which types of equipment are available, what each of them do, and how they all work together in order to assess and treat each patient properly. Here’s a quick look at some of the equipment that might be needed by clinics.

Electronic Medical Equipment

This type of equipment is designed to monitor and record specific functions like brain waves and heartbeats, among others. There is a plethora of types of this equipment, including things like software, medication pumps, powered medical equipment, and defibrillators. Clinics can lease any piece of lab imaging equipment too if they can’t buy them all at once. There are also things like monitors and mobile technology carts as well.

Transport and Storage

This is equipment that’s utilized to transfer and store medical supplies. It probably isn’t the first thing on your mind when you’re becoming a doctor, but a clinic will need it nonetheless. These things are used to bring a variety of medical supplies to medical professionals and patients when needed. There are three common types of carts. They are utility carts, storage carts, and case carts.

Durable Medical Equipment

Durable medical equipment, also known as DME, is any device designed to provide  comfortable safety and support for patients. These types of medical supplies are predominately used for therapeutic reasons and have the ability to be used in both clinic and home settings. This equipment is designed to be used long-term and is reusable. Most of it has been designed with non-slip and load-bearing strength to be as safe as possible. These items include wheelchairs and hospital beds, equipment used for mobility support, such as – crutches, walkers, and canes, as well as things like lifts, ventilators, and even traction equipment.

Diagnostic Medical Equipment

These are items that are utilized for testing, diagnosing, or finding what the patient’s condition is. Diagnostic medical equipment is used for detecting any sorts of abnormalities in whatever parts of the body might be causing symptoms. Without this type of equipment, medical professionals wouldn’t have the ability to diagnose patients in order to provide the proper treatment.

Surgical Medical Equipment

The success of even minor surgeries depends on how accurate the equipment is. It also depends on the quality and sterility of the surgical instruments. There are many diverse types of these implements in a successful clinic. Exactly which ones you need to have depends on which types of surgical procedures you might need to perform.

Acute Care Equipment

Acute care is something that clinics should be well prepared for. To do this, you need not just acute care nurses, you also need acute care equipment. This can include things like general-purpose trays, skincare and wound kits, non-surgical instruments, and even some monitoring equipment.

Procedural Medical Equipment

This type of equipment is utilized in quite a few distinct types of procedures and consists of a myriad of different items. They are used to not just assist with procedures but also to make them go more easily and smoothly. Some of them include things like surgical clamps and scalpels, gloves and headlights, forceps, and operating scissors.

Treatment Equipment

This is any type of medical tool or device that’s been designed to treat specific conditions. It uses modern technology to address abnormalities in order to restore function to the affected tissues or organs within the body of the patient. This might also include any surgical supplies that have been designed to provide a bit of treatment to those conditions that might need surgical intervention. Some of these might include things like infusion pumps, LASIK surgical machines, medical lasers, and more. Then you have the treatment equipment that’s utilized for surgical procedures. These can include things like surgical glasses, caps, or gowns for the surgical team, diagnostic scopes, and even drapes and gauze for the patients.

Each and every day, the variety of medical supplies and equipment is expanding and there are quite a few distinct categories. Above are just some of the more common ones that you need for use in a clinical setting.