How Long does it Take to Earn Master’s Degree


It is the age of ‘earn while you learn’. It means that many people would not like to commit themselves to a full-time course in acquiring a master’s degree. They would rather combine study with a part-time job. Some even combine a full-time job with part-time study. Whatever is the case, the duration for obtaining a master’s degree can only lengthen. Regardless, since the advent of online education, it has become possible to educate oneself, at one’s own pace, from home.

Furthermore, online masters degrees vary, and so do the durations of completion associated with each. Therefore, people are ready to accept anything in the name of flexibility. They may attend courses in classrooms (part-time/full-time), or online.

Generally, universities offer three types of programs. One is full-time, involving intensive coaching and studying. The second is a part-time one. The third is a 4+1 combination, wherein the learner may acquire both, a bachelor’s, and master’s degree within a span of five years. Apart from this, a new kind of program has come to the fore. It involves fulfilling a requisite number of credit hours, ranging anywhere between 30 and 65. In other words, the learner must go through a certain number of courses. Such a program is a microcredential. Here, the learner’s stack of courses, enable him/her to work for a degree in a particular discipline later.

It is up to the learner to decide which discipline he/she wishes to pursue. Some arenas emphasize upon a particular sequencing of courses. Some stress upon accelerated terms. Therefore, there are terms and conditions attached to each master’s degree. However, every online learner has the option of completing the selected master’s degree within a certain number of years. This extended time limit takes all manner of obstacles to study under consideration. Therefore, it all works to the online student’s advantage.

Why are people in a hurry to gain a master’s degree today?

To begin with, knowledge and technologies are advancing at a highly rapid pace in an increasingly globalized world. A post-graduate degree adds to what the learner already knows. It enhances credibility and expertise. It becomes possible to acquire new skills and abilities, as well as transition to a new field if desired.

In a highly competitive world, it is important to be on par with, or move ahead, of one’s rivals. Therefore, a master’s degree in hand, can bring about career advancement, and even increase the chances of promotions. It does not matter that the degree is acquired online. The earning potential increases. Undergraduates cannot earn so well.

Prospects of connecting to a professional network increase as the learners can interact with people from diverse backgrounds, or those occupying high positions in organizations. There is so much to contribute, and to acquire, in the name of knowledge.

There is personal growth too. When one can hold one’s own amongst a group/crowd, self-confidence and self-esteem tend to grow immensely. Thus, a master’s degree brings both, professional, and personal recognition, to the learner.