Improving Communication Between An Organization And Its Employees A Discussion


Communication between an organization and its employees can be difficult at the best of times. Some employees feel intimidated by managers, while some organizations can’t understand why their employees do not have job satisfaction. Organizations must try to break down these communication barriers to improve collaborative working. Your employees deserve to know where they stand.

This guide is here to offer some valuable advice regarding exit interview questions, 1:1 meetings, and much more. By following these top tips, communication between your company and its employees will improve in no time.

Regular 1:1 Meetings

Your company must understand that communication can be difficult for some employees more than others. Having to speak up in a group setting can be daunting. Unfortunately, this means that some employees do not air their concerns as they do not have the confidence to. This is why it is vital that you meet with employees directly. 1:1 meetings are the perfect opportunity.

A 1:1 meeting gives your managers time to sit down with each employee in their team. It feels more like an informal chat that encourages your employees to open up and discuss any concerns that they may have. It also allows you to understand each other’s communication styles. If you are new to 1:1 meetings, take a look at some top tips online to help you get started. Moreover, you might need a meeting space rental if your organization lacks a suitable environment for these crucial discussions. Providing a comfortable and private space outside the usual workspace can make employees feel at ease and facilitate open communication. Remember, fostering genuine dialogue requires not only the right approach but also the right setting.

Daily Briefs

Your employees need direction. No matter how busy your managers are, they must always make time to outline the goals and objectives for that week. Therefore, holding daily briefings each morning is essential. These do not have to be long meetings that eat into your work day. Instead, make it a quick chat to discuss the goals for that day with your team. Avoid making your briefing too long, as you will quickly lose your employee’s attention.

Use your daily briefing to delegate roles and outline any upcoming deadlines. You should always ask if there are any questions so you can address them straight away. A daily briefing is a great way to keep lines of communication open, and it lets every employee know where they stand and what is expected of them.

Exit Interviews

An exit interview should be held with every employee who leaves your organization. These meetings are an opportunity for the employee to discuss any concerns they had within their job role and why they are leaving. Companies can use the information from their exit interview questions to amend their practices and create a more desirable workplace culture that will prevent employees from exiting in the future.

Exit interviews can be uncomfortable for both the employee and the organization. However, they can offer valuable information. Take a look at these exit interview questions from Placement to help you get started. Remember, your employees are not obliged to attend this meeting. However, give them the option of conducting the meeting in a manner that suits them, for example, a video call rather than face to face.

Team Building Activities

If you find that your employees struggle to work collaboratively with one another, team building exercises can help. Team building encourages your employees and managers to work with one another in a group setting. People who would usually not communicate with one another must collaborate successfully to complete a series of tasks. This can be anything from a scavenger hunt to an escape room.

Team building exercises also offer valuable information to managers. They can use these exercises as an opportunity to identify those who are not confident communicators. This is something that they can later address with specific individuals in 1:1s. Managers can help these employees improve their skills. Take a look at some popular team building exercises online to spark your imagination.

Open-Door Policy

One simple – yet effective – way to enhance communication between employees and their organizations is to implement an open-door policy. This policy means that managers leave their office doors open to their employees to encourage them to communicate with them and bring problems/queries to their attention. It shows your employees that your managers are making time for them which can help them feel more valued.

This gives your employees confidence that they can come and talk to you. Often, team members feel they cannot communicate with management out of fear of burdening them with their questions. However, an open-door policy can help eliminate this notion. You can learn more about establishing an open-door policy by conducting some online research.


So, there we have it, five ways to improve communication between organizations and their employees. Using exit interview questions to your advantage can certainly help you create a more desirable workplace culture. At the same time, 1:1 meetings allow you to get to know your employees on a more personal level. Enhanced communication can offer your workplace many benefits, and better teamwork and increased productivity are just some of them.