Article Creation: Several Creative Tips for writing unique and high-quality Article


Every creative writer attempts to tell unique and different stories with a certain message in their articles. Many times it is hard to feel that your work is reasonably creative as compared to your competitors.

Art creation is the technique to put your ideas in words in an influential way, so no matter what your background is, you can polish your writing skills by practicing and showing persistence.

Always remember that unique content will gain a prominent position. Before you upload or publish anything for your readers, go always do a plagiarism check to assure your creation’s individuality.

Tips to boost your creative writing  

From every blogger to novelist or poetry creation, everyone wants to discover unique and effective ways to boost their writing style. Here are some writing tips and tricks that might motivate and improve the creative thinking of authors. However, doing a plagiarism check is most imperative.

  • Write what you know

If you are a Beginner, then always ‘write what you know’ to avoid errors. Use familiar settings, write about favorite characters, use an easy background and your language to create new stories. Before writing, go through a deep search to gain the proper and deep idea about your topic. If you want to create a new situation, use your imagination and create new characters with your mind’s relationships. Know about them and live them before putting your story in words.

  • Adopt the habit of Reading

Gain knowledge about the already published landscape in your field. It will support your writing style to hook your readers. Good Reading helps you to create an opening sentence or paragraph in a way that will encourage your readers to continue. Starting lines must be something funny, exciting, or curious to gain attention.

  • Show your story rather than telling

Detailed descriptions, the bombardment of adjectives and adverbs will cause your readers to lose interest. So always focus on showing the connection between your characters, what they say, how they say and interact with each other, what and how they do.

It will be a more effective approach than telling the reader through a stack of words. Once you are done creating a story using plagiarism check to recognize if there are any matched content or phrases.


  • Focus on getting it the right first time

Always aim for the best & try to do your best from the very start. However, if you don’t get it right, focus on polishing your content and making it flawless via editing. Always try to find out the ways about what you can do to improve your writing. Check all the possible grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Improve your sentence structure. Do a Proofreading and plagiarism check before handing it over for publishing.

  • Practice Freewriting

It is a writing practice without having a prearranged structure. You have to follow the impulses of your mind. While doing free writing, allow your thoughts and inspiration to appear in the form of words without any specific planning. In this process, you may end up with inoperative material, but it has the potential to refine your writing technique and unleash your creativeness. Freewriting also helps you eliminate plagiarism, so the need for plagiarism checks might be eliminated after a lot of practice. The easiest way to remove plagiarism and re-create unique and high-quality content is using a paraphrasing tool by SmallSeoTools. This online tool enables you to rewrite content with a few taps on your device. You only need plagiarised content to upload on this tool, and the content will be rephrased by this facility itself, and you will get unique content within a matter of seconds.

  • Always Set the agenda

Always set a specific and achievable goal before you start writing and then be consistent with achieving it. Always write in a distraction-free environment and according to the timetable. Assign a specific time to yourself. Adopt the habit of Repetition to strengthen your habit of writing. You might face trouble in creating a flow at the start, but with time, it will be easy for you to integrate your topic.

  • Always Keep Things Simple

Complex words and long-winded sentences can take the true essence of your content. So try to avoid wordiness and keep things simple and understandable to have an effective piece of writing. Always try to use a minimum number of words to express any idea.

  • Get A Second Opinion

For some writers, sharing their content before publishing is not comfortable, but ultimately, you have to show your work, so always try to have a second opinion before finalizing it. The reason is that Fresh eyes and a new mind can bring on new creative ideas.

  • Stay Passionate

Always stay passionate and stop writing whenever you are feeling demotivated. It is important to keep reminding yourself how much you love writing. If you find yourself feeling uninterested in a selected topic, change the topic to strengthen your content.

  • Plagiarism Check before Publishing

Unique and new content always attracts more readers, and it will gain higher ranks in SEO. So when you are done with all the vital stages, a plagiarism check is the most required step to assess your content. The is one of the most valuable and trustworthy copyright checker to check for your content’s plagiarism instantly.

For plagiarism check, this online tool will go through a deep search to make sure that you must get an in-depth similarity check. This similarity checker’s algorithms will dive deep into the world of the internet to find out the sources of copied content.

  • Small text generator

Standard texts have been imprinted in our minds for long, and it is expected that sometimes we skip the boring long texts. How about putting a twist in the old-looking boring content just by using a small text generator? will not only bring a spark into the complete outlook of your content but will improve the traffic drastically on your site.

Worried about the usage and expenditure of the text generators? No need to be because the usage of the small text generator is effortless. Just go on to the SEO-provided page and copy/paste your text. Just upon clicking the following button, you will get your text generated in a few seconds. Just work on this trick and create the content that catches the eye and is fun whether you are using it on your website template or on social sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.


Work on your creative skills to make your piece of writing attractive in marketing, SEO, and different web pages. Go through a plagiarism check via an online plagiarism checker if you want to attract more traffic to your blog. Be independent in your writing style if you want your readers to come back more often. Take ideas from different writers and famous websites but always make them new by using your imagination. Practice paraphrasing and increase your reading habits.