Different types of psychometric tests

January 21, 2021

Right from the beginning of our life, we all are in the practice of giving exams to enter into the new class, phase, or position. All these tests and exams play a very important role in our life as they tell you clearly about the skills and knowledge that you have. Nowadays for the selection of the candidate for the vacant job position in the company. The management takes bits of help of the various types of tests that help in the best evaluation of the candidates. According to the guidelines of the company they use different psychometric evaluation tests that are very helpful.

These tests are very helpful in analyzing the knowledge of the people in large and even the results are being interpreted within a few time. Nowadays there are many software that provides the facility for conducting various types of tests. Even there is no need to set the test question. Everything is done by the software and even which test is to be taken for which job position everything is done in that software. All these facilities of the recruitment software have surely made the work of the management easier. Many psychometric tests are being undertaken by different companies for different job positions to take the best decision for selecting new employee. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Achievement test: This test is the kind of knowledge test that will help the employer to know the knowledge that the person has. It will let you know various things like what the person has learned till today from this college and school, it will help you to know more about the skills of the person like whether he is god in science or mathematics or accountancy. This test is designed in such a way as to know the extent of knowledge that the person has. This test will not only provide analysis for the skills of the person but will also help the employers know what kind of training or development the candidate might need to carry the work of the vacant job position. This is a very important part of the analysis that is only provided by the achievement test.
  • Aptitude test: So these are the test that will help the employer to know about the skill of the candidate how easily he can learn new things. These are different from achievement tests, like in that test it is analyzed that the candidate is an expert in which field and what new can be added to the skills. But these tests depend on the actual knowledge of the candidate. Different companies undertake different aptitude tests. These are generally based on the common knowledge that we all have learned till now. So here are some types of aptitude tests.
    • General aptitude test: This test is conducted to assess the observation ability of the candidate. Like how faster he can observe different things in a matter or situation. The observation ability test may include verbal, quantitative, and logical reasoning techniques. This is a very important part of the test that is undertaken by most of the companies to know how well the candidate can observe and what all judgment he can take from that particular situation.
    • Verbal and non-verbal aptitude test: This is the test to know the communication skills of the person. This test tells how well the person can use the words, grammar to put his/her thoughts in the best possible way. All these things are included in the verbal test on the other hand in the non-verbal skills, it is seen how well the person can solve a puzzle or pattern. The people who can solve puzzles are good at making decisions. This is one of the test techniques that companies use to analyze the skills and personality of the candidate.
    • Quantitative test: It is a fact that mathematics is part of our life. If a person’s mathematical logic is not clear probably he won’t be able to work efficiently. This is the reason why quantitative tests are being conducted to know the problem-solving skill of the candidate of mathematics. So it is better to be prepared for this test right from the beginning of the studies.
  • Attitude tests: Nowadays what matters the most in the candidate is his personality. Many a time the candidate might be having excellent grades in the studies but if he is not a good welcoming personality, he might lose the opportunity of the job. Generally, for the job positions like managers, the employer sees the personality of the candidate that how well he is communicating with other people. How he is carrying out his work in difficult situations? All these are the things that are very important to be analyzed by the employer before recruiting him for the job position.

All the above given are the various types of psychometric assessment test that might vary from company to company according to their requirement for the staff. These tests have become very important to be done because the applicants for each job have become quite large and it is not possible to go for a one-to-one interview with them. So these tests help in shortlisting candidates on the various aspects that are required to perform the work of the job vacancy. With the help of technology, even this has become more easily, nowadays software is available in the market that helps in conducting these tests with minimal effort. One thing that management needs to do is to invest in software that is compatible with the existing system. This is a sort of huge investment that is done only once. So all the necessary things should be considered while choosing the best software. Whether you have a small or large scale business, it is always preferable to cope up with the existing tools and techniques. So that all the resources whether human assets or financial sources are put appropriately and there is no hindrance in carrying out the different processes in the company.

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