Dividing Property After Divorce: The Importance of Hiring an Asset Division Attorney


Did you know that in the US, 43% of first marriages end in divorce? The rate jumps to 60% for second marriages and 73% for third marriages. The topic of property division is often the most challenging part of divorce.

It’s not always easy to decide who gets what, especially when emotions are high and financial issues are involved. This is why it’s so important to hire an asset division lawyer because they are familiar with the rules and will make sure that the process is fair and just.

According to Boca Raton family lawyer Matt Benzion, assets and debts will need to be identified and valued in order to determine how to distribute them to the parties. This can lead to disputes over the division of these assets.

Here’s why it is important to hire an asset division attorney:

Understanding Asset Division Laws

To achieve a fair property division during divorce, you must know property division rules. Most states divide marital property fairly, which isn’t usually 50/50. The couples need to identify which assets are acquired during marriage and which are owned by each party before they wed.

Asset distribution usually depends on marriage length, financial contributions, and future earnings.

Benefits of Legal Representation

According to a Denver property division lawyer, dividing a property after divorce is a difficult process but a lawyer can help you through it. Having a lawyer has a lot of perks that can have a big effect on how your divorce settlement turns out.

An experienced lawyer can help you figure out how to divide your assets legally. This knowledge makes sure that your rights are protected and that you get an equal share of the assets from the marriage.

Legal representation also helps alleviate the stress and emotional burden that often accompanies divorce proceedings. Your attorney can handle negotiations with your spouse’s legal representation, freeing you from direct conflict and allowing you to focus on moving forward with your life.

A skilled lawyer can provide objective advice and strategic assistance to help you divide your assets wisely, always considering your best interests. With a qualified asset division lawyer, you can divorce with confidence and peace of mind.

Complex Assets and Valuation

A complex asset split and appraisal might be difficult during a divorce. When dealing with businesses, investments, real estate, or retirement accounts, you need an asset division attorney. These experts can help you value these assets appropriately for a fair division.

Complex asset valuation requires financial expertise and the help of forensic accountants, appraisers, and financial analysts. These experts can assess asset values based on market swings, projected earnings, tax consequences, and more.

Complex assets might be undervalued or overvalued without adequate assessment, which can affect your financial prospects after divorce. Working with an expert asset division attorney can help you accurately estimate your assets and safeguard your financial interests throughout divorce.

Negotiating Settlement Agreements

Settlement agreements let you choose how to share your assets. You can adjust the property partition to your requirements and priorities, like children’s welfare or financial stability.

Negotiating with your ex-spouse can reduce the time, money, and emotional toll of lengthy legal fights. Remember to know your finances and be open to compromise during these conversations.

Enforcing Property Division Orders

Make sure to promptly comply with property division orders issued by the court after your divorce to avoid potential legal consequences. Once the court has issued a property division order as part of your divorce settlement, it’s crucial to adhere to the terms outlined.

Failure to comply with these orders can result in serious repercussions. If your former spouse isn’t following the court’s property division order, you may need to take legal action to enforce it. One option is to return to court and file a motion for enforcement. This legal process can compel your ex-spouse to comply with the court’s directives.

An asset division attorney can help you with enforcement and defend your rights. Enforcing property partition orders quickly and properly can protect your rights and give you confidence after divorce.


To protect your rights and get a fair settlement, you need to talk to an asset division lawyer. An attorney can help speed up the process by knowing the rules for dividing assets and negotiating settlements.

Talk to a lawyer about how to protect your financial future after the divorce.