Hospitality Is The New Business Success Mantra


by Ashok Agarwal

Customer care is must for success. Hospitality is required in all lines / businesses. If you want to promote & enhance your business and boost your sales then you cannot ignore customer comforts, satisfaction, services and delight except at the cost of loss of business. HospitalToday only those will stay and survive in the market who take care of their clients the best way. The top MNCs and corporates take care of their employees too to boost the productivity (this is an extension of the concept of hospitality). Whether employees or clients the results emanate from these two places/areas. These two areas earn for any organization. Hospitality is one of the most important tools of marketing. Any organization today needs the services of hospitality guru / coach who has expertise in hospitality skills and can pave the way for better returns and rich dividends for the organization, administration and management. If the entrepreneur takes best care of its clients & customers then they they will take care of him.

Hospitality is winning the hearts and minds of the clients. Today hospitality occupies an important rather essential place in any line of business such as Hotel & Restaurant industry, Tourism, Hospitals or any other business. It is entertaining guests/clients and taking care of their all needs . SERVE THE CLIENTS BETTER WHO ARE NONE OTHER THAN GODS FOR YOUR BUSINESS SO THAT YOU WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF BY THEM.

Hospitality is making the guests and clients FEEL AT HOME. It is all about making them cool in their thinking to take best decisions. It is providing the best ambience to the manpower / clients of the organization. HOSPITALITY CONNECTS HEARTS. The entrepreneur needs to be royal to win the loyalty of its customers. It is converting the clients into amazing fans.

Hospitality is FIVE STAR CULTURE. Today even medicare is five star luxury treatment. PEOPLE DO NOT BOTHER FOR MONEY BUT DEFINITELY THEY BOTHER FOR CARE . And that is possible by providing adequate infrastructure, comforts and ambience. THOSE WHO LACK HOSPITALITY THEY DO NOT ATTRACT CLIENTS & THEREFORE LOSE BUSINESS.The hospitality in itself has become a super industry and such skill are required by every type of business to run profitably. The passion and the purpose are the main ingredients in the recipe for success in the hospitality industry.

There is utmost need to develop hospitality skills and make it more amicable, paying, generous, bountiful. Today hospitality has become a necessity for any business venture , without which the venture will dry up and has to be closed down. Hospitality will keep the wheels of venture moving as these will be continuously oiled and lubricated by feeding the customer care more & more. If you can win the trust of the client then you are successful in your venture. NOTHING TO BE SPARED TO MAKE THE CUSTOMER HAPPY & DELIGHTED. The demarcation and distinction is blurred for using of various marketing tools. There is need for blending of all such tools available to boost performance.

Ashok Aggarwal
Dated 2nd July,2015


  1. Some amazing phrases I got, “SERVE THE CLIENTS BETTER WHO ARE NONE OTHER THAN GODS FOR YOUR BUSINESS SO THAT YOU WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF BY THEM.” and “Hospitality is making the guests and clients FEEL AT HOME.” I will remember this phrases to inspire my self and other people. Also, to remind my self that Hospitality is a must.