How Executive Recruiting for Regulatory Affairs Works


Countless products are available to today’s consumers, and those items fall into a variety of categories. While quite a few are in high demand, some are outpacing the others by a considerable margin. These largely include medical products, health supplements, and cosmetics. Of course, they’re not limited to those few types of products.

Many of the high-demand options on the market are subject to strict safety and quality regulations. On top of that, those regulations are constantly changing, and new ones are continually coming into play. Companies that create the products to which the regulations apply need to be sure they adhere to all those rules. 

Keeping Your Company in Compliance with Regulations

Keeping up with all those regulations and making sure they’re being observed isn’t a simple feat. Matters are even more complicated for companies that operate globally. Because of all that, the regulatory affairs sector was developed. Professionals in that field are tasked with keeping companies in compliance and providing knowledge and advice on regulatory issues. Numerous regulatory affairs experts are out there for companies needing to fill positions in that department, but finding them isn’t always easy. Companies that offer executive recruiting for regulatory affairs are here to help. 

Finding a Regulatory Affairs Expert

When you’re looking for candidates to fill executive roles in your regulatory affairs division, you need to find people with specific skillsets. Obviously, you want candidates who fully understand the rules and policies as they apply to your company and its products. Your ideal candidate needs to have extensive knowledge in the field and the necessary communications skills to convey them to other staff members. You also need someone who will be able to keep up with changes and keep your workforce apprised of new developments. 

On top of all that, you need personnel who meld well with your company. Knowledge and experience mean very little if the person who possesses them doesn’t fit in with your company and fails to share your overall goals. Finding someone who’s forward-thinking and able to bring new ideas to the table certainly helps as well. You also need a candidate who isn’t shy about telling others when they’re wrong about critical aspects of your product development, testing, manufacturing, and distribution processes. Your regulatory affairs specialist’s job is to take control of those matters and ensure they’re conducted properly.

How Executive Recruiting for Regulatory Affairs Works

That’s where executive recruiting comes into play. Companies that offer this service are well-equipped to find the right candidates for your company. They have a vast network of resources to draw from. They can search for leading candidates across the globe to find the ones who best meet your needs and expectations. You have two types of recruiting services to choose from: retained and contingency.

Contingency recruiters seek out qualified candidates for your regulatory affairs position. They pass along those prospects to you. If you choose one of them, the recruiting company receives an agreed-upon fee for its services. This fee is often a percentage of the candidate’s first year’s salary, but it may vary by company. Retained executive search companies, on the other hand, receive their fees periodically throughout the search process. Retained search firms generally provide long-term services whereas contingency-based companies only get paid if they find suitable candidates for your firm. 

Finding the Right Executives for Your Company

Both types of recruiting services can be extremely helpful to businesses looking for top-notch regulatory affairs executives. While retained search services require you to pay a portion of the company’s fees throughout the search process, many businesses feel this is a more cost-effective option. These companies offer more inclusive services than contingency-based recruiters. With contingency services, though, you only pay if the candidates provided by the company are truly a good fit for your needs. Consider those points to help you decide which service is right for your company.