How to become a guru of college essay writing


When it comes to writing a college essay, many students experience extreme tension and anxiety about the chance to be chosen. While many colleges and universities change their position on the weight of scores, students must put extra effort into creating a powerful college essay. So, how do you win the hearts of the admission committee without losing your mind? Below, we will discuss the main hints and strategies to make the process easier.

How to become a guru of college essay writing

Answer the essay topic

Write the first draft simply answering the question or topic the college asks you to reflect on. Forget about perfectionism, and imagine you are writing about the third person. You need this action to have a rough draft you can rewrite and develop through time. Many students can’t start writing even a single sentence because they fear they are not perfect to opt for this particular university or college.

Ask for help

Obviously, nobody becomes a great writer at once. If you need a custom college essay or the guidance of a professional writer, you can use expert services at and get quality help. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn from an example and see the principles of showing off your qualities in the best way possible. Such assistance can provide valuable insights and tips on writing techniques, structure, and style that greatly enhance your writing abilities. Also, it’s a great tip for those who need to save time for other valuable tasks like studying or working.

Stay authentic

Nearly all universities expect students to show their authenticity and own voice through the essay. How do you stay authentic when you feel the tension of showing off your uniqueness? What if you don’t feel special at all?

We have already read a lot of college essays and can definitely say that you can approach your qualities through the things you love to do. One student has successfully written a college essay about how the SpongeBob series she watched several times as a kid has played an essential role in how she perceives the world and overcomes obstacles. So, my friend, think about those stories that made you laugh, cry, or even question things. They might hold the key to understanding your unique qualities and strengths.

Write like you are speaking to your friend

Keep your words simple as you speak in everyday conversation. Avoid jargon and specific expressions to make your essay readable and easily understood. A conversational and relaxed tone is the best way to express yourself in a college essay.

College essays are different from academic essays and give you room for humor and personal stories, allowing you to show off your own voice through writing. You can speak about your weaknesses, favorite superhero, or personality quirk – nearly everything you can relate to the college essay topic and show your identity to the admission committee.

Read successful stories

When you don’t know where to start, read examples of successful college essays that you can find on official college websites. Moreover, you can even find valuable commentaries from the admission committee highlighting the strong sides of the ideas presented in the paper.

Also, you can find YouTube videos from students who have written winning essays and gleaned valuable information. Why do you need it, you may ask? While some tricks work for some students, they may not work for others. But with examples, you can get inspired by new viewpoints and create your own exceptional story.

Remake the essay

And the last thing you need to know. Real gurus of college essay writing reuse one essay for several colleges. Once you have crafted an ideal piece that sounds well and looks great, try to rewrite it using the next college or university requirements. Colleges frequently ask candidates to write essays on similar topics, and you can take advantage of such cases. But be careful; always make sure that the new-made piece corresponds to specific instructions and is relatable.

Read your drafts aloud

Crafting an outstanding college essay is a meticulous process that requires the writer to be extremely attentive to detail. You must ensure each word contributes meaningfully to the overall context and message you try to convey in the essay. To smooth the process, read each sentence aloud and record your voice. When you hear how your words sound, you can better understand the weak sides and improve the essay’s text. Also, don’t be afraid to read the paper to your family or friends to hear a second opinion.


Lastly, allocate enough time for writing your college essay, as it will take a solid amount of time from writing the first draft to constant improvement and editing. Ask for help and use all tips available to make the process effective and smooth. And keep your chins high! Don’t be afraid to take a risk and choose non-standard approaches to stand out from the crowd. Good luck!