Pricing Strategies for Retail Tech & eCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide


Pricing is an integral yet complex aspect of any business in the modern retail landscape increasingly shaped by new technologies. Pricing strategies involve balancing myriad objectives like profitability, competitiveness, demand generation, and growth. When setting optimal prices, companies must weigh financial goals against customer perceptions and competition forces.

This comprehensive article will provide an in-depth overview of pricing strategies and best practices for retail technologies and e-commerce businesses.

What is Pricing and Its Importance?

At its simplest, pricing refers to the amounts charged for products and services a business sells. Customers’ sticker price for items makes up a primary revenue stream funding company operations and profits.

But pricing encompasses much more than just determining a number. Pricing strategies impact positioning, competitiveness, demand generation, market expansion, and profitability. Even subtle pricing changes can drastically shift purchase volume, while poor pricing can devastate uptake for even the most innovative products.

Companies can achieve rapid growth with thoughtful pricing management software aligned with business goals. Pricing can also enable established companies to profit more from mature products. Pricing is the most flexible and immediately impactful component of the marketing mix. Tech-powered data and analytics make pricing more scientific than ever before.

Objectives of Pricing

Companies balance various pricing objectives based on their business model, brand positioning, competition, supply considerations, and more. Common high-level pricing objectives include:

  • Profitability: Pricing must produce adequate profit margins between costs and sales revenue to sustain and scale the business. Companies carefully set minimum viable margins but may sacrifice profits temporarily to fuel growth.
  • Volume Growth: Low introductory pricing can rapidly expand the customer base by removing barriers to trial and adoption. Even minimal margins generate returns at sufficient volume. Growth sets the stage for eventual price increases.
  • Competitiveness: Pricing reactions to competitors avoid losing market share while also signaling a level playing field to customers. Lagging on cost reductions risks permanent brand damage.
  • Product Positioning: Premium pricing signals high quality and exclusivity prestige for some brands. Budget pricing provides value messaging and accessibility to price-sensitive segments.
  • Demand Management: Surge pricing during high demand and discounts during low demand to smooth volume and maximize revenue. Reservations and dynamic real-time pricing provide flexibility.

Of course, companies must make difficult tradeoffs between these competing objectives depending on business context and priorities.

Importance of Pricing

Beyond direct revenue impacts, pricing influences many crucial aspects of a business’s health and operations. Reasons why pricing is so universally important include:

  • Revenue Driver: Prices translate to sales, revenue, market share and growth potential. Tiny changes drive disproportionate revenue change at scale.
  • Demand Driver: Pricing heavily affects customer purchase interest and decisions. People buy more units at lower prices, making pricing a demand lever.
  • Profit Driver: Markups directly determine profit margins. Uncompetitive cost structures necessitate higher prices that can suppress volume and growth.
  • Competitive Tool: Nimble pricing adjustments in response to competition signals commitment to market share retention. Slow movers need to catch up.
  • Strategic Lever: Prices shape positioning around premium quality, budget value and everything in between based on brand identity. Pricing also incentivizes specific behaviors.

The importance of pricing and pricing analytics must be balanced. It impacts nearly all major business metrics while remaining flexible and easily changed in response to market dynamics.

Pricing Strategies

Various pricing strategies align initial and subsequent ongoing prices to business objectives. We categorize common pricing approaches into three buckets:

New Product Pricing Strategies

Initial pricing for new product launches or introductions requires weighing tradeoffs between optimizing early revenue and adoption momentum:

  1. Market Skimming Pricing: This strategy sets high initial prices to maximize revenue and profits from early adopters of hot, in-demand innovations. It allows for capturing opportunistic value before lowering it for mass adoption. It is helpful for high fixed costs.
  2. Penetration Pricing: This Flipkart-style tactic initially prices products very low to attract customers rapidly and overcome competition barriers to growth. Revenue is temporarily sacrificed to achieve volume, indispensable data, and habitual usage ahead of eventual price increases.
  3. Bundle Pricing: This complements penetration pricing by offering discounts or savings when customers purchase supplementary products beyond the core product. Bundling incentivizes bigger initial orders, reduces per-unit fulfillment costs, and builds relationship momentum.
  4. Versioning Pricing: This method provides multiple product or service tiers at varying price points to maximize customer choice rather than one-size-fits-all. Premium add-ons fund the competitiveness and accessibility of a base offering while increasing willingness-to-pay potential.

Product Mix Pricing Strategies

For companies selling multiple product lines or variants, pricing consistency across the portfolio requires balance:

  1. Cost-Plus Pricing: This simple cost-accounting approach applies a standard markup margin percentage to product/service costs to maintain consistent profitability across varying cost structures. It is a valuable baseline.
  2. Differential Pricing: Varying prices for versions or models of the same product lets companies optimize revenue and margin capture across good-better-best segmented demand curves. Version specs, capacities, and add-ons justify differences.
  3. Prestige Pricing: Higher premium pricing relative to costs on select marquee items communicates associated prestige, status, quality and exclusivity. Luxury retail frequently employs this technique on high-end lines.
  4. Discount Bundling: Selling certain products bundled together at a discount incentivizes larger, diverse orders that boost total sales and order values. Careful limits prevent full-line discounting.

Price Adjustment Strategies

Post-launch tactical pricing shifts allow reacting to market changes and unique situations:

  1. Discount Pricing: Temporarily reducing prices to boost traction, clear excess inventory faster, or respond to sagging demand at end of seasons. Risks include anchoring value.
  2. Segmented Pricing: Offering disparate prices to customer segments of different demographics, purchasing volume, account history, channel or other factors. Airlines mastered this approach. Enables optimization.
  3. Promotions: Run limited-time promotions with discounted pricing, coupons, rebates or package upgrades to incentivize purchases and trail across lagging products. This is useful for seasonality lulls or new customer pipelines.
  4. Dynamic Pricing: Enabled by retail tech, this strategy optimizes real-time pricing based on supply, demand, market factors, and competitive activity. Airlines and hotels pioneered this yield management, which maximizes revenue.
  5. Psychological Pricing: Setting prices like $39.99 or $49.95 that appeal to customer perceptions of great deals and affordability thresholds. Maximizes willingness-to-pay. This strategy is extremely common among retailers, as seen in the chart below.


Pricing directly impacts profitability, positioning, demand generation, and other goals. New data and algorithms provide pricing superpowers once unimaginable. Still, pricing fundamentals remain timeless. The companies mastering this mix of art and science will win modern retail.