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If you know of Highly Skilled speakers, trainers, consultants and thought leaders in the Coaching field, please nominate them


Dr. Joseph R. Weintraub is Faculty Co-Director of the Coaching for Leadership Program at Babson College where he is also an Associate Professor of Management and Organizational Behavior. At Babson, he developed the Human Resource Management and Leadership Courses in both the undergraduate and graduate programs in business. He is also President and Founder of Organizational Dimensions, a human resources consulting firm based in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Dr. Weintraub’s work has appeared in many publications including Fortune, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. He has also appeared on several syndicated television programs such as Evening Magazine and The Bottom Line. His recent paper on coaching (with Dr. James Hunt) was awarded the “Best Management Development Paper” by the Academy of Management, the largest professional association of business school professors in the world. He is also one of the developers of Star-Teams Insights ™ a web-based assessment report providing developmental feedback on leadership, teamwork and work style.



Peter Shaw is one of Australia’s leading business coaches. Working with Peter Shaw will increase your ease and efficiency in business. Your business will flourish as you work with Peter Shaw to implement more efficient business processes, improve the quality of output from your staff and suppliers, and draw more profit out of your business.
Peter has presented to over 50 thousand people on 5 continents, combining his humour, love of fun, and whatever it takes approach to change, with the most advanced tools for producing results in life. Peter spends his time away from training exploring the world and fulfilling his never-ending thirst for adventure, learning and growth.



Richard Michaels is a Master Certified Coach (MCC), a Co-Active Professional Certified Coach (CPCC), a Gestalt Therapist, and an Artist. In 2005, he co-founded Coaching For Transformation- an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited school, and is a part of Leadership That Works. His books include Moments on Canvas, Paintings by Richard Michaels, and Coaching for Transformation: Igniting Personal and Social Change by Martha Lasley, Virginia Kellogg, Richard Michaels and Sharon Brown.He has been creating and presenting seminars on personal, spiritual and professional development throughout North America for over 35 years. Richard was a founding member of the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Lenox, MA, one of the largest holistic centers in North America, where he was a trustee, fund raiser, mentor, and teacher. He is a board member at the Center for Collaborative Communication, formerly Brooklyn NVC



Sharon Y. Brown, PCC, MS Life coaching transformed my life! So I’m passionate about helping people experience the power of coaching. I love working with individuals and groups who want something more in life and are ready to take action to get it. My clients are culturally diverse and include professionals, corporate teams, nonprofit leaders and staff, educators, college students, and other individuals who want support to make major changes in their personal or professional lives. One aspect of my work that I’m particularly passionate about is contributing to community revitalization and to children’s success, by helping to integrate coaching services and coaching skills training into urban communities like those I grew up in. When school administrators, teachers, parents, community leaders, nonprofit service providers, youth and funders learn basic coaching skills, they can apply those skills to help transform their lives, relationships, organizations, and communities – collaborating to create exciting and innovative change.



Richard J. Bell is a Group Master Chair with Vistage International, Inc., “The World’s Largest CEO Membership Organization” providing their service offerings to CEOs/Presidents/Owners, Key Executives, and Trusted Advisors in the Greater Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and Lower East Bay Areas of Northern California. Richard brings more than 35 years of general business experience to his role as a Vistage Group Chair and, in addition, more than 15,000 hours of one-to-one and executive development experience from his professional services background. The results are: his Vistage Group members “outperform.” They make better decisions, faster. Their growth and bottom line outperform non-Vistage member companies. And, his members report that they experience a more balanced life.

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