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If you know of Highly Skilled speakers, trainers, consultants and thought leaders in the NLP field, please nominate them


Chris Collingwood is an NLP Trainer, NLP modeller, management consultant and Director of Inspiritive Pty Ltd. He is the co-author along with Jules Collingwood of The NLP Field Guide; Part 1, a reference manual of practitioner level patterns. He has over thirty years experience in coaching, consulting and leading seminars in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Chris’ background includes extensive training with developers of NLP, including Dr. John Grinder, the renowned co-originator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Chris is an NLP trainer, certified by Dr. John Grinder.His clients include Sydney Water, CSR Asia, Telstra, Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Westminster, Societe Generale Australia, the International Institute of Business Analysts and Environmental Health Australia.



Frank Pucelik is a CO-FOUNDER OF NLP and a Top-100 US business-trainer, Frank trains more than 2 000 middle- and top-managers of the most successful companies. Frank will share with you, his knowledge on modelling excellence. Modelling is a strategy that helps people create excellence in everything they do Replicating what someone else does in an exact and systematic way, so that you can perform the same task excellently yourself. Every time. Modelling allows you to develop the skill or behaviour you desire in shorter time the person you’re modelling took to attain their own level of proficiency. Results can be lifted significantly by modelling the behaviours and attitudes of the top performers.



Alistair Horscroft is an author, speaker, advisor and entrepreneur. He has also been given the accolade of being amongst the worlds top leadership coaches and is an NLP trainer as well as the creator and owner of the Australian Government Accredited Voactional Qualification the Diploma Of Modern Psychology. He originally shot into the public eye with his hit 15 episode Discovery Channel T.V series ‘The Life Guru’ and through his regular appearances as the mind and performance coach on numerous TV shows in the UK. He was featured in The London Times, National Geographic, The Daily Mail, The Scotsman among countless other magazines and newspapers.In London he was known as the ‘therapist’s therapist’, working as coach and mentor to celebrities, rock and pop stars, entrepreneurs, world champion athletes and CEOs. He has personally coached some of the worlds most successful people in their fields.



Steve Bavister is An expert in communication, relationship and confidence, Steve is the co-author of a number of self-help/business titles including Essential NLP (60,000+ copies sold), Present with Impact & Confidence, Personal Impact and Confident Coaching. He is currently co-writing four books on motivation, assertiveness, mentoring and influence. Steve has worked with thousands of individuals up to CEO and CFO level and dozens of companies around the world, including many FTSE-350 and Fortune-500 businesses. He brings warmth, energy and commitment to everything he does and runs courses and delivers coaching in areas such as presentation skills, influencing and persuading, personal impact, NLP, networking, business writing and leadership. Steve has an honours degree in psychology, is a master practitioner of NLP, has a diploma in Ericksonian hypnotherapy, and is a certified NLP coach. A director of Speak First Ltd, a global training and company with its principle office in Central London, Steve lives in a picturesque village in north Cambridgeshire, England – and is very, very happy with his life.



Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D., is a licensed Psychologist practicing in Encinitas, CA. Stephen was among the group of students that gathered around the founders of NLP during its formation at U.C. Santa Cruz from 1974-1977. Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson became his teachers and mentors. After receiving his doctorate in Psychology from Stanford University, Stephen became one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. Motivated by his experiences as a therapist, a teacher, and by his own quest, he developed a new practice of radical awakening incorporating Ericksonian psychotherapy, Aikido, Buddhism, meditation, and the performance arts. His work, known as Self-relations Psychotherapy, reconnects mindbody processes and encourages and supports radical change. The cornerstone of Self-Relations Psychotherapy is the understandings and processes of Sponsorship. The enthusiastic acceptance of Sponsorship and Self-Sponsorship as approaches to therapy and personal change, along with Stephen’s transformative presentation style, has led to speaking tours, workshops, and numerous Sponsorship groups throughout North America and Europe to which Stephen provides inspiration and supervision.



Ian McDermott is the Founder of International Teaching Seminars (ITS). He has worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of professionals globally over the past 30 years. A successful entrepreneur, Ian is equally at home in the US and the UK. In his words “My primary focus is giving people the skills to innovate their own solutions. ”From practical experience he knows what it takes to run a long-term successful business: International Teaching Seminars celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013. Ian is an Honorary Fellow of Exeter University Business School where his focus is on entrepreneurship and innovation. He is Dean of Innovation & Learning for the Purposeful Planning Institute and his work is featured in the Open University’s MBA course ‘Creativity, Innovation and Change’. Ian is also External Faculty at Henley Business School and a co-creator of the Henley MSc. in Coaching and Behavioural Change. The man who bought NLP and coaching together he is a thought leader in the field of leadership coaching and the author of fifteen books on NLP, coaching and systems thinking including The NLP Coach, and The Coaching Bible. With his colleague Prof. Patricia Riddell he has pioneered making the latest applications of work in the neurosciences practical and available to interested professionals from all walks of life. Ian McDermott’s work impacts five main areas – innovation & entrepreneurship, legacy, leadership & collaboration. He continues to work with individuals.



Chris Rasey is an outstanding trainer, coach, and facilitator of learning and development. He has been a guest trainer on John’s courses for fifteen years. Chris spent twenty years in consultancy and training prior to integrating NLP into his life and work. Since becoming an NLP Practitioner, He has integrated NLP in his work with clients in the Professional Services, IT, Manufacturing, and Public Sectors, and has worked throughout the UK , Western and Eastern Europe. Chris is a Certified NLP Trainer and Coach. He is guest trainer for a number of NLP training organisations, and coaches Senior Directors and Executives of well known organisations. Chris has also used TA and Assertiveness techniques and is qualified in MBTI and OPQ.


Carolyn Boyes

Carolyn Boyes is a Master Practitioner in Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a Certified Trainer of NLP. She is registered through the UK General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC). Carolyn has made a lifelong study of different ways of thinking and the mysteries of the human mind. Her studies of philosophy and metaphysics have taken her around the world and include Eastern and Western forms of mysticism and healing. While working in the corporate world in 1995 she began to study various forms of practical psychology as well as a number of spiritual development systems. Carolyn works internationally as a coach and trainer with a variety of clients from government and business as well as private clients. She is a body language expert and has over ten years experience as a career and leadership coach working up to Board Level. As a trusted advisor and source of knowledge and wisdom Carolyn always listens to your needs and draws on her broad exploration of the world’s ancient and modern knowledge systems to provide you with a simple tool kit to help you achieve the results, success and happiness you want.



Adriana James, is a woman of force and character, beauty and charm and an expert leader in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), NLP Coaching and Time Line Therapy. The story of her life is both astounding and instructive, illustrating how hard work and determination can always overcome great obstacles. Adriana has built on the foundation of Tad James work and added new processes and paradigms to the evolving field of NLP and Time Line Therapy with developments in health, relationships and the body/ mind connection. She has developed the NLP Coaching Trainer’s Training, and a new technique in the Time Line Therapy series of techniques regarding old anchors who can trigger again Negative Emotions in the present based on old experiences. She has also developed the Marketing NLP Training designed to assist NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Coaches as well as NLP Trainers to market themselves successfully. Dr. Adriana James is an incredibly strong and positive role model for women all over the world. Her genuine warmth and intelligence combined with her desire to empower both men and women is enchanting and irresistible.

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