Why Is Making Your Employees Feel Valued So Important

 September 23, 2020

Your employees are the backbone of your business. If you want them to perform at their best, and have loyalty to you and your company, making them feel valued is absolutely key. Paying a fair salary is part of ensuring that an employee feels valued, but it’s also important that they know that you value them as an individual over and above the job that they are doing for you.


If your employees feel that you value them, it will make them want to work harder for you. You will find that they will start to take on tasks that they don’t necessarily have to because they know that you value them and they want to show you that they are worthy of your esteem. Be sure to encourage this by taking note when someone goes the extra mile and thank them for their hard work.

Happier people are also generally more productive, and employees who feel valued will naturally feel more comfortable and more fulfilled.

They Are Talking with Your Customers

If you are taking a ‘customer first’ approach to your business, the most important thing you can do is make sure that your employees are happy and engaged at work. After all, your employees are the ones who will be actually talking with your customers! Your customers will be able to tell if they are communicating with someone who is happy and engaged or someone who is counting down the minutes until home time.

An engaged employee is also important in roles that aren’t directly customer-facing, for example, the more engaged your UX designer is, the better their work will be and the better the user experience for your customer.

Work alongside your HR department and make sure to take employee feedback seriously if you want your customers to see the benefit.


If your staff are well qualified and good at what they do, there will come a time when a competing company tries to lure them away with a larger salary. If you want to keep your trusted staff members, then it is essential that they feel as though they can progress their career with you, and to foster that feeling they must first of all feel valued.

There are simple ways of providing reward and recognition for your staff; for example, employee benefit and discount packages show that you appreciate them beyond their monthly paycheck.

It Will Make People Want to Work for You

If your staff feel valued and appreciated, they will naturally have good things to say about working for your business. They will talk not only in their immediate family and friendship circles, but it is likely to be apparent in their social media presence, too. This is the kind of positive endorsement for recruitment campaigns that you can’t pay for when someone is weighing up whether working for you would be a good fit for them.

It also means that your employees are likely to recommend you to their contacts, so you may find that you are approached by people who are perfect for your business without even having to recruit.

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