5 Reasons Why Team Building Matters

June 28, 2020

When it comes to your organisation the one thing that determines its success is teams. How effective your teams are and how they work together will impact the level of success your company will achieve. One way to harness the most out of your teams is to engage in team building activities, to test their skills and improve them. Through a series of planned activities, you can discover hidden skills, improve weaknesses, foster genuine connections, and motivation. Here are five reasons why team building matters for your organisation.

Networking and Socialising

One of the most effective ways to increase productivity in the office is to encourage socialising and making friends in the office. Not only will it boost morale, but it also enables your colleagues to communicate comfortably and tackle challenges much easier. You can dedicate a team building day outside or even over lunch, depending on what you are trying to achieve. Team building can be carefully organised or be spontaneous to change up a mundane routine. Not only will this be rewarding for you, but it will be motivating for them.

Boosting Productivity

Team building can be used to improve performance how the team responds under pressure. When working in teams it allows each member to better understand strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Using this knowledge, they can head into future projects with perspective and work better together, a crucial advantage for any business. Finding your individual employee’s unique skills and how they contribute overall will provide you with the insight required to discover potential and more.

Fostering Innovation and Creativity

Having a team building session where people can become comfortable with one another allows them to freely express their creativity. Successful team building not only pulls the team together, but it also contributes to a successful, creative workplace. Through collaboration and innovation, your teams can help propel your organisations competitive edge and distinctive capabilities, a key trait for success.


This tends to be one of the main incentives for team building activities as communication empowers people to work closer together and more effectively. One of the best parts of team building is that activities will stimulate communication and drive people to work together in a fun place. A successful team building session will make people more comfortable at work and improve areas of communication.

Positive Energy

Most team building efforts typically falls flat due to inconsistency and forgetfulness. Keeping the excitement of it flowing is crucial to the effectiveness of the session and its results. The challenge is to create opportunities for people to connect, take time to unwind, and interact in meaningful ways. Make sure that you dedicate time in your calendar to put the work aside and plan an activity for the team. Also, it is important to encourage regular get togethers away from the work and promote excitement and a chance to connect.

Ideally, you should hire an individual who is an expert team builder. For example, businesses with remote or in-house workers can hire Escapely to host a variety of interactive and engaging activities for your team. These exercises help your employees resolve conflicts immediately, build trust with each other, improve communication, boost morale, and more.

As efficiency depends mostly on how your employees treat each other, you cannot ignore team-building events. It will create a positive workplace culture and make your work environment a friendly place to be.

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