Tips to Help You Get The Best Value For Money When Buying Car Insurance


Car insurance affordability has a lot of sway over the total cost of vehicle ownership, and so getting a good deal on your cover is crucial.

Of course there’s no point cutting too many corners with car insurance either, as a small saving here could lead to bigger expenses when a claim needs to be made.

That’s why getting value for money is more important than simply choosing the cheapest policy, so let’s look at how you can achieve this in the modern market

Tips to Help You Get The Best Value For Money When Buying Car Insurance

Explore the top quotes and packages online

If you aren’t using a respected comparison site like Cheap Insurance to find your next car cover product, then you are seriously missing out.

The top comparison tools empower motorists to weigh up competitive quotes from well known car insurance providers, not only looking at the price of the deals available, but also examining the included features and the extent of the protection on offer.

Obviously you need to consider your budget and your needs when picking insurance quotes from a long list of prospective packages, because what seems like value for money to one person might not fit this description for another customer. But with a little research and planning, everyone can find cost-conscious, comprehensive car insurance through comparison sites.

Be open to insurance bundles

If you own a car, then insurance for your vehicle is probably just one of the many different policies you’ll need to keep your finances in check as part of your busy lifestyle.

For example, you might have more than one vehicle as part of your household setup, and you’ll certainly need home insurance to protect the structure and contents of your property as well.

This can make insurance bundles an attractive proposition for the right person. And again, there is a lot of choice in terms of how you configure cover here.

You might want a single car insurance policy to encompass all of the vehicles you and your family members own. You might want car insurance and home insurance rolled into one.

The more aspects included, the more the policy will cost, but the convenience of only needing to manage one payment, and deal with one provider, makes this worthwhile. Plus a bundled policy could be cheaper than having two separate policies.

Ensure your details are entered accurately

Insurers carry out complex calculations to arrive at the prices they quote to prospective car cover customers. This means that the more accurate you are in the information you provide, the more precise the prices you’ll receive.

The most relevant aspect of this from a value perspective is the annual mileage you report to the insurer. People tend to overestimate this figure, which can mean that their policies are priced at a higher rate unnecessarily.

Check your vehicle’s mileage for the past few years, and make sure that you give a close estimate when renewing your policy based on this.

Other factors, such as where you park your car during the day and overnight, will also alter the prices you are quoted, so pay close attention when you are filling in your personal information to squeeze maximum value from any policy you pick.

The last word

It doesn’t take long to find affordable, value-focused car insurance on the modern market, so don’t think this is something that will eat into your free time.

With savings of several hundred dollars out there to be made with just a few clicks, there’s no excuse to ignore the opportunities available to you.