If you deal with e-commerce and have a selling website, but it doesn’t drive as many online sales as you wish, you probably miss some key elements on your website.

In this particular post, you’ll know how marketing gurus drive more online sales, and their websites bring them even more profit.

Without further ado, let’s find out it.

Note: While improving their websites’ usability, global gurus don’t forget about online security. Always maintain your site via encrypted VPN connections. If you still don’t use this service, you can find the one at, which is an online platform with expert reviews.

Here’s the list of 10 tips that all marketing gurus follow not to kill their conversion:

  • Shorten the distance between a product and transaction pages.
  • Provide a free trial period for your product or service.
  • Make user-friendly navigation on your site.
  • Publish only quality and useful content in your blog section.
  • Use good calls to action on your website.
  • Check if the website’s pages are loaded fast.
  • Provide an opportunity to choose among products.
  • Be sure you have a close-up in your product carts.
  • Use real users’ reviews of your product.
  • Make your customers trust you when paying for products via your site.

Now here are the comments upon the tips from the list above:

  • Don’t make the distance from your product page to a transaction page too long. Be sure that a customer will get it in a couple of clicks. It shouldn’t be a long journey around your site before actual payment.
  • If you offer services, you should remember that customers are sometimes not ready to use them right now. That’s why you should offer a free trial period for them to test your services, which will increase your conversion as in most cases after a free period, customers continue with paid ones.
  • Imagine that you click on the elements, but they bring you to another page, not the one you expect to visit. For this reason, the navigation must be clear, logical and easy-to-understand for your site’s visitors.

  • The content you publish on your blog can also drive you more online sales. The articles should be in-depth and profound to show your customers that you are an expert in your field.
  • Use special calls to action on your website. They will attract the user’s attention and probably bring you more customers. One of the most efficient ways is bright buttons that allure users to click on them.
  • In case your product pages are loaded too slowly, you risk losing your customers. Most of the internet users aren’t willing to wait for long. That’s why don’t forget to test the loading speed of your pages and optimize them if it’s required.
  • Most people need to have a wide choice of products to compare them and make a final decision. Thus, a user has an opportunity to filter the search of products by defining the key features to meet their needs.
  • There are such products which customers might want to look at them closer. Be sure you’ve provided such an opportunity to them.
  • Never publish fake reviews of your products or services. Be honest with your customers. Use social shares to prove the good quality of the goods you sell or services you offer.
  • When paying, customers must be confident that their personal won’t be compromised anyway. Think of the security of payment transaction conducted through your site. All traffic that goes through your website should be encrypted. Besides, in order to avoid hacking attacks, use two-factor authentication to register or log in on the website.

Now check if you are following all the tips from the list. Have you missed some of the elements? Then don’t waste time and start increasing your conversion right know. As you can see, it’s not difficult enough and global marketing gurus have already done it.