How to Develop Essay Writing Skills – 7 Tips from Professional Writer

March 03, 2020

Creating an academic essay can take a lot of time and effort. Academic writing becomes even more exhausting and complicated when you need to combine work with study. The lack of time forces students to find help on the internet. Online writing services give a helping hand to working students who have to deal with multiple essays at a time and have no time to complete them all. You can address a cheap essay writing service that will write a paper for you quickly.

But what if you have time, yet still struggle to compose a high-quality paper due to the lack of knowledge? Here are 7 expert tips on writing a perfect paper.

1. Start with your Essay Question

Topic development is a crucial part of any essay. You need to make sure you understand the given essay question right. There are several kinds of essays, and each of them requires a different approach. Focusing on descriptions applies to descriptive and narrative essays, but argumentative papers, for instance, require implementing analysis and statistics. Therefore, you should have a grasp of what type of essay you need to write.

Pay attention to keywords, such as compare, analyze, define, demonstrate, etc. It will help you decipher the essay type and thus approach your paper the correct way. If your instructor does not provide a specific topic, you can choose the one you are interested in the most.

2. Research Matters

Once you decipher your essay question, you can start searching for sources. Make sure you have enough time for your research. Many sources are available on the internet. However, you may still need several books or journals available in your local library. If it is your case, keep in mind that you will have to spend a couple of hours in the library taking notes. You can access online libraries as well.

Pay attention to the credibility of sources. You can use web articles for inspirational purposes and catch up with the ideas, but you have to make reference to research papers, case studies, and reliable statistics in your essay.

3. Make up a Structure

You should follow a specific outline in each of your assignments. An academic piece of writing consists of the following structural elements:

  1. Introduction. You should include your thesis statement here. Include some context concerning your topic before the thesis statement. It would help if you made your introduction as engaging as possible. Provide some statistics, include a quotation, or create a summary of the main idea. The critical thing is to introduce the topic to your reader.
  2. The body. It should consist of 3-4 paragraphs on average. In each section, support your ideas and arguments with evidence. Open each paragraph with a topic sentence and end it with a brief summary that leads the reader to the next section.
  3. Conclusion. Here you should rephrase your thesis statement and sum up the arguments.

If you struggle to make a structure on your own, an online essay writing service can help. You can visit professional writing services that will help you with a tailor-made paper composition.

4. Approach Critically

You should bring criticism to your essay. If you have to analyze concepts, compare their weak and strong sides. Analyze phenomena, theories, and introduce your view based on their advantages and disadvantages.

The application of critical thinking will help your essay sound engaging and authoritative. Besides that, it shows your responsible approach and interest in the topic.

5. Make Notes

As a rule, the best ideas arise in our minds during the process of writing. Besides that, lots of things can distract us from our writing muse. Therefore, it will be better to note ideas until you lose your train of thought. This practice will help you maximize your writing potential.

6. Always Proofread

While writing for a couple of hours, you can become less perceptive of your paper. Always check your essay after you finish it. Read the work attentively. Therefore, you can notice mistakes, discrepancies, inappropriate phrasing, etc. If you have enough time, you can look at your piece of writing with a fresh head the next day. Finally, you can visit a service writing company that will provide you with the all-round help with your essay at an affordable price.

7. Use Professional Writing Tools

You can make your writing even better with professional tools. They include grammar tools, plagiarism checkers, citation generators, etc.

While you can find grammar and spelling mistakes in your essay on your own, plagiarism is a more complicated thing. Writing the paper without copy pasting is not enough. It can still contain plagiarized fragments. It is due to the clichés present in almost any academic piece of writing.

Therefore, you should always use plagiarism checkers to make sure your essay is unique in all senses. Besides that, many essay writing services offer free helpful tools for students.

If you have trouble with the quality of your essay, you can use the following additional tools:

  • com. It is a writing assistant available for free. You can use it as your browser extension, a Desktop application, and MS Office extension. It can also detect plagiarism so that you have all the tools in a single package.
  • It is also a free citation tool. You can cite books, websites, journals, blogs, and more in 7 citation formats.


Crafting an academic essay is not as complicated as it seems to be. To get an excellent mark, you should clearly understand the essay prompt, follow the principles of consistency, stick to the structure, and refer to authoritative sources. Always proofread your writing before you send it to your instructor. Professional writing services and tools can help you polish your writing even more. And more importantly, you should practice.

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