How to Show Your Team That You Appreciate Them


Running a team of employees might feel like a minefield sometimes. It’s hard not to be the bad guy, even when you’re trying your best not to.

To negate this, employers use a myriad of methods to try and evoke some pleasant feelings in their staff members, and often they miss the mark. Sure, a team building drink or some donuts for breakfast seem like you’re evoking a happy work environment, but the harsh truth is that your employees are here to work and would rather be rewarded with something tangible they can take home. And we’re not talking about gifts either. You can keep that “Employee of the Month” mug. No, we mean things that will have an impact on their lives outside the office. In an age of wanting to work to live, rather than live to work, that is more valuable.

If you don’t quite understand what we mean, take a look at our guide to keeping your staff happy, and therefore motivated.

Benefits and bonuses

Benefits are a great way to motivate your employees. It’s an ongoing gift that can sometimes make the difference between “living well” and “scraping by”. And sometimes they’re only fair. If you are looking at a potential staff member who lives far away, you can entice them to the job with a company car or mileage benefits.

Sometimes these benefits don’t fit the lifestyle of the employee, however. If you are giving a gym membership to someone who prefers to run through nature, that’s just a waste of money. You can manage all the benefits of your employees with the Zest app and control who is getting what from one platform.

Plus, you can offer bonuses on the app. The employee will get a notification, telling them that they have received a bonus and you can even congratulate them via the built-in chatroom. Bonuses are a great way to reward good work and encourage more down the line.

Working from home

There is a lot of debate about the pros versus cons when it comes to working from home. Now that we know we’re capable of it, team managers across the globe are asking if it’s a good long-term idea. It’s easy to argue either way. There is less control over the devices going home, so cybercrime is rife, but on the other hand, it’s making a substantial difference to employees’ lives. You could argue productivity depending on who you’ve been listening to, but the simple fact of the matter is that employees are happier. Life isn’t entirely about work anymore. Now, work is slotted in amongst children, caring duties, personal physical and mental health, people are sleeping better, eating better, saving money and less lonely.

If you are determined that you cannot allow working from home as a whole, look into the idea of hybrid working. Your staff can rotate desks and come in when there is something that simply needs done in the space, which can make for a good middle ground. Even your staff likes to say, “How’s the kids?” to their desk pal every once in a while.

Overtime, when needed

This one is simple although it will feel like walking a line. If you never offer overtime, your staff might struggle and end up putting more time into another job, or leave yours entirely for something that pays better, but if you ask for every weekend and evening, you will soon be loathed. Learn to put the offer out there and leave it alone. If you are short-staffed, that’s not your team’s problem. They will take you up on it when you ask if they need it, but don’t plead, demand or otherwise emotionally blackmail a “yes” when it has been confirmed to be a “no”.

And if the “no” is persistent, consider why. Too many businesses are offering disappointing rates for overtime. Make sure you are offering a fair rate and your employees will come running if asked.