Learning Our Lessons: The Impact of Pandemic on Education


The last year and a half were hard for everyone. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many aspects of our daily lives still are different even today. Of course, the healthcare systems of countries all over the world took the biggest hit. The education systems also had to act fast to accept all changes that came with the pandemic.

A new school year has already started, and pupils have to return to their learning process. This year seems to be a little more prepared because the educators learned their lessons from 2020. Still, a lot of adults and children all over the world have trouble adjusting to this new reality.

So what have we learned from the last year? How can an education system quickly adapt to another crisis like this? And can we use this experience to be more prepared in the future?

How Did Students and Teachers Adjust to the Pandemic?

Millions of learners of all ages had to move back home or stay on campus only to sit in front of their computer screens. They often use the Internet for their homework or hire an essay writer online from EssayWritingService for assignments. So, for millennials and gen Z, being on the Internet all day is not a big deal.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about learning during a global pandemic is online classes. It’s the teachers who suffered in this case. Sometimes, the older generation is not as proficient with technologies. This definitely had a negative impact on the quality of education that the pupils received after the pandemic had started.

Of course, the teachers are not to blame in this difficult situation. The institutions simply didn’t have the budget to support the students and the faculty staff during distance learning.

Closed campuses and not enough student activity was another impact of this crisis on education. A lot of learners and professors had to move back home, as the universities couldn’t support open grounds when there was no face-to-face learning to offer.

What Are the Lessons?

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, there are some lessons that already can be learned from it for the future. The governments are more prepared for emergency situations, and the education system can also make some changes to be ready for more obstacles.

Here are some of the most important messages for the future.

The Education Budget Should Be Protected

Of course, during the pandemic, the governments try to distribute the finances to health care. At the same time, schools need financing too, as students of all ages have to continue with their education no matter what. So, the education budget should remain untouched.

There are also learners who come from underprivileged families. They might not be able to return to their studies because of financial problems. In this case, governments have to establish some programs, like scholarships, to help these students in need.

Student Support For Those Who Lag Behind

A transition to e-learning can be stressful and confusing for students, especially for those who have special needs. It can be a good idea to offer a recovery program to learners who just can’t keep up. Studies show that a little bit of tutoring goes a long way for a student.

Prepared Plan for E-Learning

It is already obvious that schools have to prepare for distance education even after the pandemic. It is also pretty clear that universities have to be able to switch from face-to-face classes to e-learning without any effort.

A more flexible curriculum can be introduced to students because many of them had to start working to support themselves financially. Also, educators can go through a training program that provides them with technical skills for teaching online classes.

Mental Wellbeing Should Be Encouraged

Scientists are still not entirely sure about the long-term psychological effects of the pandemic. The government has to have programs in place that provide counseling for educators and learners. They might need help after significant catastrophic events that interrupt the educational process.

To Sum Up

Last year revealed a lot about the real problems in society. Education is one of the most important aspects of life and it needs to be secure from any interruption. After all, students create the future, so they need to keep up with their studies at all times!

The most important lesson that was revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic is that everybody has to work together for the greater good. This includes parents, children, employers, and the government. Only together humanity can be fully prepared for the future!