On Sales


by Ashok Agarwal

To boost sales the salesmen need to step in to the shoes of the customer / consumer. The salesmen by their salesmanship skills convinces the customer that the product is made for him only and he is made to own/buy the same. The real salesmanship skills are daytime robbery. If one can sell a refriegerator to an eskimo and a comb to a bald person then he is a great salesman.

Marketers need to study the present and future market scenarios. Not only this they must invest huge amounts on the advertisements, marketing studies and researches to know consumer tastes , likes and preferences etc. A WELL MOTIVATED, EDUCATED & TRAINED SALES TEAM ONLY CAN BOOST SALES. The moment you part with the product to customer your job is not over , you need to get feedback on a questionnaire prepared for the purpose. There must be a provision for membership card and earning points on shopping to boost sales. This way the customer will get discount on his shopping amount. THE MORE THE SHOPPING THE MORE THE DISCOUNT.

A company which is weak in AFTER SALES SERVICE (ASS) cannot stay for much time in the market. Not only this the company needs continuously on an ongoing basis to redesign and repack its product in better looking appealing and beautiful containers. The product to be presented to be eco-friendly and customer-friendly. The delivery of the product must delight the customer . The selling techniques, policies and plans need to be customer- centric.Today people like branded products unlike local made even if the same are dear / costly. The main reason and liking being the lifespan and quality of the product and matching with the modern lifestyle. Keeping these in view the consumer thinks that the branded goods are cheaper than the locally produced ones. There are limitless points to enhance turnover. MORE THE TURNOVER MORE THE PROFITS.

The real and great salesman/businessman/ entrepreneur very well understands the concept of GAME OF TURNOVER. Deliver quality product at the reasonable rates thereby earning a small margin of profit . This will fetch more turnover & returns . Never think of looting the customer at the exorbitant prices . This way the customer will never come back in the future to you . Moreover he will tell others too not to come to you. MAINTAIN A STRONG CLIENTELE BASE FOREVER AND CONTINUE TO ADD TO IT . It is your greatest assets. The entrepreneur must have a vigil eye on his competitors and on their future plans . The company must devise an unique product different from its competitors with multi- benefits.

Remember the salesmen get their salary from the customer and not the employer. The salesmen must prove themselves as great super star performers. Such performers must be suitably rewarded and awarded financially and non-financially. The salesmen need to be very much courteous and polite towards customers.

In selling the product the display, design, demonstration and packing is extremely important. Not only from the face/looks of it but from usage viewpoint too the product must look worthy of purchase, lovely and beautiful. The customer to be made compelled to buy and own the product.
In one of the sales manger’s cabin it was found written that if you are satisfied with our product and related services then tell others and if not then tell us.

The sales staff needs to be adequately educated and trained. THE MORE WE SELL THE MORE WE LEARN. Deliver to the customer the best product at the cheapest possible price.The entrepreneur to stay in the market must have updated knowledge in the line of his product. Not only this he must stay ahead of his rivals and competitors by making needed innovations & other changes demanded by the consumers as per the feedback reports in his product.

Latest researches and studies are the fuel and lubricant which will not help your survival in the market but keep you ahead too of the times as well as your competitors. The entrepreneur must acquire the latest state of knowledge , science & technology(S&T) and research & development(R&D) in his line of business and product to be a MARKET WINNER & MARKET CAPTURER.

One can be a MARKET LEADER if one knows the pulse of the market well and its predicted future behavior. The entrepreneur must have a committed and adequately motivated task/work force working in the right direction. We are living in an era of RETAIL SALES REVOLUTION which have led to opening of showrooms, malls and departmental stores as if there is flood of these. Remember that modern times are of BUYER’S MARKET. It means buyers have a say (buyer is the king) in moving the market. Sometimes glut situation prevails in the market overstocking is there in many lines / products. MANUFACURE ONLY THAT WHICH IS LIFTED AND DELIVER ONLY THAT WHICH IS DEMANDED. Super and bumper sales can make you market leader. To boost sales and stay as market leader is extremely difficult in times of cut-throat, severe and unhealthy competition. We must understand the sales and market dynamics.

For boosting sales not only cater to the existing demand but your ability and innovation skills lie in creating the demand for your product. Explore and tap the new markets and new customers. Cater to different segments / strata of society. Know their tastes , get feedback and manufacture accordingly. Make your product an international and household brand. Manufacture lifestyle products. Those who have wide & deep access to the market they are the MARKET HERO.

Ashok Aggarwal