Proven Hacks That Gurus Use To Improve The ROI Of Their LMS PPC Dollars


The elearning industry is growing at an unprecedented pace. It has grown 900% in the last 16 years and is set to cross the $240 billion mark in 2023. Learning management systems are enabling better education in remote locations. Employers are using the systems to give back to their employees in the form of invaluable skill training.

Thanks to these numbers, there is a lot of innovation happening within the elearning industry. More experts or Gurus, are entering the market all the time, with their own unique learning environments known as LMS. Currently, there are over 700 LMS providers worldwide.

Hence, the excellent growth of the elearning industry is coupled with fierce competition between LMS providers. In such a scenario, paid advertising is usually a very expensive affair, and mostly, out of the reach of the smaller players in the industry. If that description sounds familiar, stick around because this article talks about paid advertising tips that will level the field for every LMS provider, small or significant.

Rethinking Your Paid Advertising Spend

When it comes to paid advertising, in most cases, Google PPC Advertisements are the most trusted choice for smaller businesses to supplement their content marketing strategy and make themselves visible.

However, thanks to this honoured reputation of Google, the competition, and in turn, the cost of advertising on Google PPC is usually very pricey. Moreover, at least a few of the keywords being targeted are usually being targeted by other elearning product vendors such as course creators and course aggregator platforms.

To overcome this hurdle, top experts have started focussing their attention on niche-specific PPC networks. Let’s learn more about them.

Niche Specific PPC Networks

Unlike Google PPC ads, niche PPC networks cater to an audience that is looking for a specific product or set of products. In the case of LMS vendors, a premium placement on an LMS directory can create a substantial improvement in the conversions.

For starters, since such networks are solely advertising LMS vendors, the audience they attract is targeted and invested in the idea of purchasing or exploring learning management systems.

Further, competing with the well-known players of your niche is next to impossible in the Google PPC network. On the other hand, LMS directories offer a direct comparison of features, which allows even smaller vendors to highlight their most unique offerings.

There’s no trial and error involved during the process of listing on an LMS directory. The best LMS PPC network algorithms are designed to offer instant, targeted exposure for brands, regardless of their size or footing in the market.

Add detailed reporting of every dollar you spend, you get intelligent data to guide intelligent marketing decisions.

Bottom line, LMS directories and PPC networks offer a level playing field for LMS vendors.

However, the battle doesn’t end at getting a click on an advertisement. It is just the beginning of the customer’s sales journey.

The Post Sales Experience

Whatever your product/service may be, industry leaders know that success in the online landscape is all about the post-sale experience.

No matter how flawless your marketing strategy is, or how deep your pockets run, bad reviews are a surefire way to run into failure.

For this reason, it is critical for LMS provides to focus on customer success. Only when your customers are able to use your product to its full potential, can you create positive brand word-of-mouth.

Happy customers can then be easily persuaded to drop a few kind words about your product and your service on the LMS directory and on your website.

Remember, the job of an advertisement is to get a prospect interested in your product. Only when your product performs well, can you expect a positive ROI on your advertising dollars.


There you have it, the tried and tested way to make your PPC budget truly work for you. It pays to be judicial and targeted with your advertising in the online world. Moreover, it is important to make sure your product performs well after the sale. Unless you’re adding real value, there is no way to achieve success.