Send Faxes Instantly Via Email: The Best Way to Do It


Digital communication is the future. People are already seeing this transition today. Things that were commonplace just a decade ago are now considered dinosaurs from a past age.

Many people consider faxes to be a thing of the past. However, they continue to be essential in many industries. This doesn’t mean the fax industry has fallen behind when it comes to technological advances. Today, faxing via an email is the preferred option of most people. Combining email and fax makes sense for many reasons. However, most people choose this option simply because they love the convenience and appreciate the streamlined workflow.

When Send Faxes Via Email?

People want to know the benefit of sending faxes via email before they get rid of their fax machines. Convenience serves as the key reason many people choose this option. They love that they can send and receive faxes regardless of where they are. They no longer need to be at their desk or standing at a fax machine to send and receive documents.

Eliminating the need for a physical fax machine saves money. You won’t need to purchase paper or toner or maintain a separate phone line for the fax. Everything can be done from your computer or mobile device. The savings seen by making the move to digital fax surprise many people. In addition, making this switch is good for the environment, as less paper will be used, no toner cartridges will end up in a landfill, and energy consumption will drop.

Furthermore, time is saved when faxes are handled electronically. There is no need to wait for the documents to print or move through the system. When they are handled digitally, the process completes instantaneously.

Storage requirements decrease when you move to digital faxes. All documents are stored in the cloud, so you won’t need to make room for hard copies. File cabinets can become a thing of the past along with the physical fax machines. Document security increases also, thanks to encryption and secure protocols used by digital fax providers.

Sending Faxes Via Email

Sending faxes via email is easier than many people think. Select an email fax provider and set up an account. Ensure this provider is in compliance with industry regulations. For example, those in healthcare making use of a digital fax service need to make certain the service complies with all HIPAA regulations.

Compose an email and use the recipient’s fax number in the To: line. Attach all documents, including a cover page, and hit the send button. The cover page will share information about who the fax is intended for and things of that nature. Once this button has been hit, the only thing left to do is to wait for the fax service to send a confirmation notice.

Many companies today are turning to digital solutions to streamline operations and cut costs. Digital fax solutions offer these benefits and more. The ability to send and receive faxes instantly is critical today, as decisions often need to be made in a matter of minutes. With the help of digital fax solutions, a person can have the information they need in hand quickly.

Small business owners benefit from this technology as much as large corporations do. It helps to level the playing field. Learn more today about digital faxing options. Those who do will find it is the solution they need to make sending and receiving documents effortless in every way.