The Importance of Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

 September 23, 2020

Conflict can occur around the world daily. We experience conflict with our families, friends, and more so in our professional lives. In the workplace conflict can be very frustrating, causing a lot of pain, agitation, and consequently complications in business. Large businesses especially feel the implications of conflict in the workplace as many employees come from a variety of geographical and cultural backgrounds. Conflict is inevitable and when it does happen the best approach is not to ban it but resolve and manage conflict in a professional manner.

What is Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is the process that organisations go through to ensure that conflict in the workplace ends in the most viable situation for both parties. This can be an early resolution through to a formal resolution via court proceeding. Ultimately the goal is to ensure that the best outcome is achieved and to manage the conflict in the best way possible. Dispute resolution is the most integral part of a corporation as it can help employees distinguish the great companies from the bad. Here are just a few ways your business can manage and resolve conflict in the organisation today!


Many disputes in an organisation can be resolved by simply negotiating between the two parties and coming to a reasonable outcome. This is often the most cost-effective solution for businesses, yet there are a few considerations that must be made to avoid the conflict escalating. Finding a safe and private place to talk that is not work related is often an effective move as people can relax outside of a work setting.


Communication is essential in any business but more so in dispute resolution processes. It is important to let both parties can raise their views and perceptions of any issues. Giving people adequate time to express their thoughts and opinions while being assertive, objective, embracing positivity is best practice. This approach enables both parties to articulate clearly in an open and honest way as well as identify the root cause of conflict and how to resolve it.


After the initial meet and hearing both parties, take time out and investigate the case. Do not be to hasty in your decisions, making quick judgments and decisions. Instead dive deep into the root causes of the issue and find out about what the complications for every person involved will be. Once you have found what the issues are you can begin to brainstorm alternative solutions that will not impact others and bring harmony to the organisation.


Now you have been able to determine the cause of the conflict and the possible solutions you can begin your initial negotiations. Having a common objective in mind is vital for a mutually benefit outcome, this should be to resolve the issue and ensuring that it does not arise again. At this stage you can outline the options you have developed to resolve the matter and how best to mitigate its potential impact on third parties. Developing a conclusion and the best solution on common ground will be crucial in this stage if things are to progress.

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