Use NLP to Create more flexibility in your behaviors and approach to life


How many ways are there to bake a cake? Make your bed? Approach conflict? Make a decision? Take care of yourself?

We have found that many people get stuck in their lives because they have only one or two ways to approach life. We, humans, are very ritualistic creatures and many of us like habit and routine to some degree – but if the practices we use aren’t working well, something has to change.

One of the Presuppositions of NLP says the person with the most flexibility will control the situation, and another says the choice is better than no choice.

With NLP, we want to create wholeness and choice through finding alternatives, choices, and options.  If you happen to be a person who gets stuck because you keep trying to do something in the same way – it might be time to do something different! And, by that, we don’t just mean something different through your behaviors! We mean changing your psychology!

As we write this, there are approximately 7.5 billion people on earth. That means there are at least 7.5 billion different ways of doing something. NLP will help you to find at least a few.

You will be learning and using NLP tools to help you to create a new perspective, generate a new behavior, change old patterns of emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. You’ll also be addressing beliefs that may interfere with flexibility and create a more flexible approach to life.

There is a great quote – be stubborn about your goals and values, be flexible in your approach.

Dr. Heidi Heron PsyD   International NLP Master Trainer, Worldwide Institutes of NLP