4 Careers you can pursue With a Master’s In Curriculum and Instruction


4 Careers you can pursue With a Master’s In Curriculum and Instruction

If you have been in the teaching profession for quite some time, it is time to expand your career, diversifying it outside the classroom environment. The field of education is no different from others regarding changes shaping its future outlook. Today, schools not only require good teachers to achieve positive student outcomes, but there is also a greater emphasis on developing an effective curriculum that brings out the best qualities in students. Schools need a curriculum that focuses on the depth and clarity of information, meets students’ learning goals, helps improve education, and instills an eagerness to excel in education.

The new curriculum must have what it takes to prepare students for their practical life, making them skilled employees, business people, and entrepreneurs. But who would develop such a curriculum that is avant-garde and future-oriented? People who have a background in teaching recognize the students’ abilities at every stage of their development. When these experienced personnel design a curriculum, it has all the ingredients that fulfill students’ needs according to their age and education level.

However, as a teacher, you cannot design and develop a curriculum without having the right skills and expertise. You should have at least a master’s in Curriculum and Instruction to be eligible for this work. A Curriculum and Instruction online master’s program is also a much better choice if you want to continue your current job and prepare for new roles in the future. The online mode of education is helpful for professionals.

With a proper qualification in curriculum design, you are not only open to many different careers; you have a chance to earn a better salary than what you make in a school. Even if you stay in your current job, a master’s degree will increase your pay band. Moreover, the degree will enhance your teaching skills and deepen your leadership and administrative abilities. Once you have a master’s degree on your sleeves, here is what you can do with it.

  1. Principal

Many teachers aspire to work as a principal after teaching various grades. A principal is an administrative head of a school who looks after a school’s academic and non-academic activities.

A principal’s responsibility is to ensure that students attain excellent learning outcomes; at the same time, he or she can also hire, fire, and train teachers and staff. Creating class schedules, ensuring teachers adhere to the timetable, and providing students with accurate information are all part of their job duties. In addition, they act as advocates for teachers when discussing their concerns with the school management and owners.

For the smooth working of the school, a principal must ensure that the staff does not have more work than they can productively manage and provide an environment conducive to the learning of students and the working of the staff.

  1. Career Or School Counselor

Career counselors are important members of the administrative staff of a school. They usually work in high schools and help students choose the right courses, specializations, or degree programs based on their career aspirations. Career counselors also guide students to find the right universities and prepare for admission tests.

A school counselor has much broader roles. They help students cope with many issues related to study, psychological problems, social and family problems. They also address bullying in school, student adjustment issues in the school and home, and much more.

  1. Instructional Design And Technology Expert

The use of technology is swamping all areas of our lives, including schools and other higher education institutions. However, teachers might find it difficult to determine what technology is best according to the age of the students and what must be avoided. It is at this point that an instructional designer and technology expert takes center stage. These professionals are well-versed in a variety of technology. So, the school management school consulted them and recommended using technology in each class.

Teachers can also get training about using these technologies in the classrooms. As a technology expert, you will also test and introduce various new hardware and software programs to improve the students’ learning experience and outcomes.

  1. Curriculum Director

With a master’s degree, you can also serve the education sector as a curriculum director. This role oversees school district curriculum. It is your job to monitor the schools within your designated territory, but you may have to visit schools to ensure their adherence to educational standards. Also, you will evaluate the effectiveness of course materials and the gaps in learning.

The main purpose of your job is to ensure that the curriculum of the school district meets the educational needs of students and that the teachers have the right skills for teaching the curriculum. So, you will often conduct workshops and training sessions to prepare your teachers to use the most recent and innovative teaching methods.


A master’s in curriculum and design is one of the most famous degrees these days because it prepares professionals to develop a curriculum that meets the current learning needs of the students. However, you are not limited to working as a curriculum designer. Various other fields such as the job of a principal, a corporate trainer, equipment specialist, and curriculum director are also available to you. Moreover, a master’s degree in a field that is in demand offers various opportunities to excel and earn better pay.