Worthwhile Gifts to Give to a Retiring Guru


Worthwhile Gifts to Give to a Retiring Guru

Has the time finally come to bid farewell to that mentor who has been a lovable force in your life or workplace for years on end? Well, it’s a special time of their life, and the best you can do to show them appreciation is to get them the most appreciable gift you can find.

As much as gifting anyone – not just a retiree – can be a daunting affair, it gets pretty easy with some research, guidance, and creativity.

And you can start by taking a look at these worthwhile gifts that your retiring guru might love!

An Artistic Flower Bouquet or Live Plant

You will arguably never go wrong with a colorful bouquet of blooms when it comes to gifting. In fact, flower arrangements are by far among the most commonly listed retirement gifts in online guides, tips, and idea posts. Plus, there are many retirement flower bouquets to choose from, varying in terms of design, petal colors, and what’s included in the arrangement.

And if you want to gift them with something that will last a bit longer, a live houseplant such as an orchid or a succulent like cactus or jade plant can be a great choice.

A Retirement Wish Card

Retired gurus can get easily flattered with a gift that reminds them of the good times that they had with you. One way to pass this across is writing a personalized retirement card to them, which might mean a lot to them.

Just craft your witty personalized message in the card, slide it into an envelope, and send it or hand-deliver it to the recipient. Chances are that your retiring guru will hold the message dear, keep the card somewhere special, and probably remember you often in their retirement life.

A Book with Topics They Love

Your retiring friend or colleague will probably have lots of free time in their retirement years, so reading will possibly be a great hobby for them. If you want to gift them a good book for productive reading, you can consider a book that is related to their guru life, profession, favorite hobbies, or interests.

Another easy option is to buy a compilation of favorite quotes, tips, and advice from the guru on a subject such as gardening, traveling, or even health, since many of these things are relevant to one’s retirement life.

A Portrait of Themselves

A portrait of your retired guru is likely the best-kept retirement gift of all. Get them a print of their iconic photos, maybe framed or readymade to be placed on the wall.

Or better yet, you can make them a beautifully hand-crafted portrait with full personality and artistic detail. The good thing is that there are many freehand artists and painters out there whose skills you can utilize, just in case you’re not one yourself.

A Retirement Planning Tool

It goes without saying that retirement planning is something every retired guru needs to do. Perhaps the most sensible idea you can come up with for a handy retirement planning tool kit is to get them a classic workbook, such as one that might be filled with some practical strategies to implement for things like:

  • Starting and maintaining a retirement fund
  • Selling a business
  • Protecting assets
  • Investing

There’s a reason why some people tend to be attached to their mentors or gurus, and you shouldn’t be an exception. They’re the people who you know have all the essential information and skills in life, but it’s always great to appreciate and help them lead an amazing and productive retirement. When getting them a gift, the above options will surely be worthwhile.