Five Tips For Businesses To Improve Employee Efficiency

June 04, 2021

Five Tips For Businesses To Improve Employee Efficiency

Achieving maximum employee productivity and efficiency is probably one of the most challenging tasks for a manager or business owner. By enforcing your workforce to do the right things the accurate way, your business will achieve positive outcomes. In short, efficient employees will instantly lead to improved organizational efficiency and increased profits. If you are a business owner, you know that achieving high levels of employee efficiency is easier said than done. The fact of the matter is that leading a team of employees from varying backgrounds, ethnicities, gender, and temperaments will undoubtedly result in miscommunications and clashes. Hence, getting every team member on the same page will require a lot of effort from your side.

Improving your business’s operations, in the end, solely depends on your team’s ability to perform. Are they wasting time or resources? Do they take the shortest possible ways to achieve the desired solutions? These are two questions that will help you evaluate your employees’ efficiency. Before diving into some practical advice, there is something that you need to understand- it won’t happen at once. Even if you know what to do, it won’t mean that your employees would start working more efficiently in a few hours. That said, let us look at a few tips and tricks down below that will help your increase employee efficiency tenfold!

Utilize effective communication

Every team manager and business owner knows that effective communication is vital to an efficient workforce. Nowadays, technology provides us with countless ways to stay in touch with each other with a click on a mouse or a tap on a screen. It means that existing communication methods are as efficient as they can be, right? Wrong! According to research, employees spend 28 percent of their time checking their email rather than focusing on other essential business tasks.

Instead of entirely relying on email, go for alternative networking tools such as Slack. They are purposefully designed to promote quick team communication within a workplace. Moreover, you can also encourage your workforce to utilize alternative methods of communication such as video chat or plain old face-to-face communication. That said, you’ll also have to brush up on your communication skills to ensure you’re imparting information to your employees in a way they can understand and relate to. However, not to worry, as the internet has many options to enhance your business skills and understanding. An online MBA no GMAT required will provide you with the skills necessary to communicate effectively with your workforce.

Utilize team-building activities

Ideally, you should hire an individual who is an expert team builder. However, you can host team-building activities and exercises of your own. There are thousands that you can find online! When done accurately, the exercises and activities help your employees resolve conflicts immediately, build trust with each other, improve communication, boost morale, etc.

As efficiency depends mostly on how your employees treat each other, you cannot simply ignore team-building activities. It will create a positive workplace culture and make your work environment a friendly place to be in.

Optimize your payroll system

If you’ve never dealt with payroll, then you have no idea about its time-consuming and error-prone nature. You will have to consider numerous things when dealing with payroll, including labor laws, employee benefits, taxes, compliance, etc. The best possible solution to avoid such issues is introducing an advanced payroll management system to streamline and optimize all significant payroll-related tasks. Just imagine that you or your accountant won’t have to spend hours preparing employee payroll and solving petty disputes.

Installing and configuring an advanced payroll management system will take time. However, it is a small price to pay and can save your company tons of cash in the long haul. Moreover, an advanced payroll management system ensures that your employees get what they deserve. Now. Who wouldn’t want such a thing?

Train your employees

Some managers and business owners believe that decreasing employee training hours or completely eliminating employee training programs is an easy way to cut costs. However, taking such an approach will lead to detrimental effects on your employees’ morale and efficiency. The overall efficiency of your business operations depends entirely on your workforce’s ability to know what to do and how to do it effectively.

While you don’t need to incorporate an extensive employee training program into the mix, you can quickly increase employee efficiency by educating them on the basics. Can your employees perform their jobs without training? Sure, can they do their jobs efficiently? Probably not! Do not ask/expect your workforce to figure out ways to accomplish tasks independently. Instead, take out time to teach them what they need to do to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. Invest in running practical training sessions and OJTs for your employees every once in a while. By offering support, knowledge, and guidance to your team, you will help them build a solid foundation for your company. Suppose you are not confident enough to strategize and plan the material for workshops and are unsure how to become a corporate trainer; you can partner with professional learning services that offer professional workshops and certificates for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Provide incentives to employees

One of the easiest ways to encourage employees to perform their duties efficiently is by giving them a few reasons. Recognizing your employees when they do an excellent job makes them feel more appreciated. It encourages them to work on their efficiency.

When thinking of ways to reward your employees, ensure that you consider their individual preferences and needs. For example, some employees might prefer a private face-to-face thank you. In contrast, others might be suckers for public recognition. Some incentives you can try include;

  • Taking employees out for a meal
  • Giving them coupons
  • Sending them out to retreats
  • Sending out handwritten thank you notes
  • Giving them a bonus


Employee efficiency is something that companies should crave if they want to experience long-term success. When your employees perform their duties efficiently, you optimize resource management, improve employee engagement, and create a better workplace environment. And most of all, you increase profits.

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