7 Data-Backed Reasons Customer Service Is Essential for Business Growth

July 10, 2021

7 Data-Backed Reasons Customer Service Is Essential for Business Growth

In the modern business world, there are so many businesses currently operating on the market that one may stop and wonder how is it possible that all of them have customers. But it’s important to keep in mind that the offer is so vast precisely because the demand is even greater.

Now, it’s also important to note that any business can offer a product or service to their customers and make profit. But that’s only one part of the business game. What makes some of the most successful businesses enjoy this title is precisely their customer base. No business in the world can thrive without customers.

That’s why customer service is such an essential part of business growth. Without proper customer service, no business can expect to have a happy, returning customer base. That being said, here are 7 data-baked reasons why customer service is so important.

It adds value to your offer

Just like we’ve previously mentioned, offering quality products or services to your customers makes only one part of your business. When customers are happy and content with how they’ve been treated throughout the sales funnel, they’ll instantly find your brand to be more appealing. Needless to say, the added value to your offer will be easy to spot in the increased revenue, which is something every business loves to see.

It boosts customer satisfaction

A happy customer is far more likely to do repeat business with a brand than an unhappy customer. That’s why every business needs to make sure that their customers are satisfied. Needless to say, this is easily achievable with proper customer service. If you offer your customers the opportunity to communicate with your brand with more than just their wallets, you’ll be surprised to learn that the majority of them will have great advice on how to improve your business even further. Customers like to be heard, so you need to make sure you actually listen to what they have to say.

It improves customer retention

As much as it is important for every business to attract new customers, it’s arguably even more important to do all in their power to retain the ones they already have. According to statistics, it’s about 5 times cheaper to retain an existing customer than it is to try and attract a new one. And if you play your customer service game right, new customers will be flocking to your business without you having to make any additional efforts to attract them.

It lowers customer complaints

Customer complaints are also an integral part of every business. Simply put, you won’t always be able to make everyone happy, no matter how hard you try. However, it’s important to enable your customers to voice their complaints and actually see if you can do something about them. For instance, in the iGaming industry, the majority of players that had any casino complaints managed to be reimbursed for their inconveniences. Needless to say, while this is good news for customers, businesses should look for ways to lower potential complaints as much as possible to avoid unnecessarily wasting their resources.

It works wonders for your brand image

Any business that’s striving towards success needs to pay close attention to their brand image. Your brand image includes not just how you portray your business in the public eye but also everything that’s ever been said about your endeavor. As an example, an angry customer that had a negative experience with your customer service will probably write a negative social media post, making sure to tag your brand in it. Similarly, a happy customer will also do the same. So, what you need to ensure, in order to create a positive brand image, is that you have far more positive tags than the negative ones.

It adds value to your brand

Along the similar lines, a positive brand image will also add value to your brand. Any brand that manages to become synonymous with a good customer service is a brand whose value will significantly increase in the public eye. When customers know that they can expect good service they’ll instantly be more inclined to do business with your brand.

It helps with brand exposure

Finally, satisfied customers are generally more than happy to share positive experiences not just on social media but with people around them. This type of promotion, commonly referred to as word-of-mouth promotion, is still one of the best types of promotion any businesses can look forward to. Since people are generally more likely to trust other people regarding a brand, than they are to trust the brand itself, you should make sure that your business is being discussed in the most positive light possible.

So, if you’re looking to grow your business success, you need to make sure that you first pay attention to your customer service. Without customers no business could ever exist, let alone hope for success. But if you play your cards right and ensure that you offer stellar services to both old and new customers, you’ll ensure that your brand is making steady progress on the road to success.

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