Coaching is Must For Winning Success


by Ashok Agarwal

Coaching for success is must in modern times barring few exceptions. But even then coaching is no guarantee for success. Almost Everyone of us has dormant faculties, abilities and skills but how many of us awaken these. We are not tapping even 5-10% of our potentialities. Some coach is needed to make us familiarize with & believe our own core competencies. Who does not require coach? Whether it is sports, education, competitive examinations etc. These coaches or Gurus are known by different names . We can call them as soul coach, sports coach and life coach etc. In one way they can also be called as motivators & mentors. The coach polishes, shines, hones and sharpens your skills on an ongoing basis. For reaching the climax even sky and space is not the limit. As imagination has no limits the same way performance & professional excellence has no limits. In the world of athletes one loses or wins by even less than a needle margin. Today there is cut-throat competition in every walk of life. One needs professional perfection. Expertise, excellence and eminence (EEE) is the key to success and perfection. The coach techniques have undergone drastic changes . Even the coach himself is required to be perfect in his approach, skills and mindset before he trains the athletes/aspirants/players/candidates and examinees. He must be well-conversant with the latest in the line , rather ahead of that to stand as a winner.

The whole of our life we never fully harness our energy / faculties / potentialities and go on blaming others. Because of we fall short of the required performance and suffer. Today we find coaching institutions emerging as parallel to educational institutions. It is just like black money and parallel economy. The fault does not only lie with the teachers but the students too. Both of them do no do hard / home work and justice to their duties and waste time and funds and are not willing to devote extra time . The teachers want to make more money out of coaching and student waste their parents hard earned money and enjoy by loitering. On many occasions we fail in life because of our own reasons and deficiencies.

Dormant faculties are like seeds which if given proper direction , ventilation, consultancy and counselling , properly irrigated and manured then these will blossom in to the fragrant flowers with the help of DIAMOND COACHING. Coach brings you on the rails / tracks so that you are capable of running right & fast. WALKING EVEN SLOW ON THE RIGHT PATH IS MUCH BETTER THAN WALKING FAST ON THE WRONG PATH. Only right things impact your life. Harder the course the more rewarding the triumph. The harder you work , the luckier you get. Only hard work can shine you. There is neither shortcut to success nor substitute for any hard work. Success is not something which is in your genes / DNA. One must deserve and acquire it.

One must find out the right coach for the required training. Only sweat and blood can get you success. The film BHAAG MILKHA BHAAG is required to be seen by all the success aspirants. Even few exceptional cases too top and stand in merit in the civil services examinations but majority of the aspirant go for renowned coach. Coaching adds to your skills and competencies.

One of the best secrets of success is the best coach. A good coach such as sports coach will groom winners. He sees the possibilities in his players and does everything to turn the possibilities into realities. He gives tips & tricks while training the aspirants / players on the field and off the field. Here the coach and players mean in all walks of life whether sports, academics , competitive examinations etc. Greatest things and miracles happen with the mentor and motivator helping the aspirants with a little nudge, direction and support. Here lies the beauty & quality of coaching.

Teaching by the coach and learning by the players is both on the pitch / ground and off the pitch/ ground. The coach needs to change the mindset / psyche of the players . He inculcates confidence and faith in them and makes them capable to trust their abilities. The good coach teaches by demonstrations and displaying his skills so that the aspirants learn better .A good coach is like a good salesman who convinces the buyer and sells his wares.

A best coach through his coaching skills takes the player where he cannot take himself. Players and coach need to have lot of patience and coolness to succeed. Through coaching the coach is not only giving physical training by toning the body of the players but by training and strengthening their mind, heart and soul too. He brings a sea change in the life of the players. WINNING NEEDS GUIDANCE AND WISDOM OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.

The real quality and beauty of coaching depends upon the skills of the coach. The coach is just like a MASTER MIND. The coach need to be equipped with the latest skills as he cannot give / transmit more than what he has. He needs to cultivate and develop a winning attitude in the minds of the players. The best coaches / mentors/ motivators produce WINNERS. For winning and success concentration & focus is very-2 important. The coaching & training must lead to continuous and on an ongoing basis practice & rehearsal which adds further fuel to the fire. It keeps the flame of winning and success burning. Players / aspirants must never forget that the BEST SHOTS / INNINGS ARE YET TO BE PLAYED. These words are of Olympians. In competitions time is very important factor and those who can manage time efficiently and effectively come out as winners and successful with flying colors. There are no upper / higher limits for improving the skills. REMEMBER SUCCESS DEMANDS YOUR SWEAT AND BLOOD. COACH TO GIVE HIS BEST AND PLAYER TO DELIVER HIS BEST. The most important task of a best coach is to develop the thoughts of positivism & optimism in the minds of the players / aspirants without which all efforts will go futile and will be in vain. He is to make the players believe that they are capable and can win. Developing this attitude/mindset /psyche is crucial for success. One may be having all skills but unless one is confident and full faith in his abilities the success is far away. COACHING is needed everyday for survival. It needs to be treated as an inseparable and integrated part & parcel of diet. In the modern times SUCCESS=SPEED+ACCURACY and in this coaching plays a great role.

Ashok Aggarwal
Dated 25th June, 2015