Today Which Management Is Successful and Can Stay at The Climax For Long


by Ashok Agarwal

The management which can withstand the invasions of time and thereby various setbacks, shocks and risks. It is possible only because of strong values, culture & foundations and the management which has innovative, inventive and intuitive (III) skills. The management which is not only keeping pace with the times but staying ahead of time by anticipating future scenario. The management which not only adopts the latest state of technology but invents new delivery systems of production of goods & services. The management which is not only to go as per latest trends in the market but create NEW TRENDZ THINKING too. The management which does something unique which others are not doing in the market. Only that way you can be the champion and forerunner. The management which gives training to its manpower on an ongoing basis familiarizing with the latest trends, models and styles in the line. For survival only delivery matters. The management which has training school, S&T Cell and R&D Cell in its organization. The management which has strong values and has people at the helm of affairs with the managerial, administrative and organizational skills and abilities. Today innovation is the need of the hour and is must for survival and stay (S&S) in the market.

The management has not only cater to the existing market and clientele but go for further exploring the possibilities of other markets not tapped so far and feeding the other segments of society , which were so far not taken care of. Those who expand and consolidate only they stay and move ahead. DIVERSIFICATION & TECHNOLOGICAL SOPHISTICATION ARE THE SUCCESS MANTRAS. This fact is acceptable because every line has some saturation point sooner or later and in that case the big corporates think of diversifying to those lines in which there is immense scope for growth and development, so that loss in one line is more than compensated by switching over to the diversified line

The modern managements need to harness the best talent in the market . Today head hunting is a crucial task HR department. Today time is money and knowledge is power. So, time and knowledge management both are very important. For development & growth risk bearing and decision making skills are must. Risk too needs to be scientifically analyzed, calculated and managed. Actually these are fueling & lubricating the engines of growth and propel the winds of change.

Trained & skilled manpower contributes more. The modern managements need to invest more in human resources. This the best productive , rational and must investment. Maintaining good work culture is very important. The top management must recognize the star performers and consider them for awards, rewards and promotion.THE MANAGEMENT MUST HAVE ITS BEST BRAND NAME IN THE MARKET.

What is the sole purpose of management ? Just like an individual the corporate too needs name, fame, success by achieving its goals. In the market if people talk good of you, then it means you stand in the market. The managements needs to be professional in its approach. The top management must obtain feedback reports from the market on an ongoing basis. It must know the pulse of the market by making appropriate studies and researches on the consumer as to what he wants ? The success and efficiency of the management is tested by its delivery / performance. It has to keep its workforce / manpower happy, healthy and motivated. The competitive scenario must be looked in to as to the policies, strategies and activities of the competitors. The management must have a vigil eyes on rivals. As you have to stand ahead of them. The great managements establish newer and higher benchmarks , landmarks and achieve more milestones in its journey of growth.

Ashok Aggarwal
Dated 27th June, 2015