Why the Criteria at Globalgurus.org?


GlobalGurus is a research association that picksthe top pioneer speakers, trainers and proactive authorson a global scale across specific categories who havehad positive effectson their industry. The website selectssixty individuals and asks relevant people to vote for those who they believe are the biggest contributors in they category. These pioneers are thought leaders, speakers, trainers, authors,researchers, and expertswho bolster information and individual or authoritative advancement in their categories through research, speaking, books, and media.

There is a GlobalGurus criterion that a GlobalGurus competitor needs to satisfy before they are selected. This criterion is imperative as they connect with close to around 22,000 representatives, advisors, scholastics and MBA’s around the globe for their votes and popular sentiment survey.

The Criteria, is however, extremely basic and simple to determine. 60 namesfrom a global pool of experts speakers and thought leaders are shortlistedby approximately 22,000 agents, specialists, scholastics and MBAs, from all over the world. Then, they go for a Google scan for the content evaluation, this content is assessed for uniqueness. Finally they are asked to vote. Voting is also open to the public who follow these thought leaders. There are safeguards to assure that votes are legitimate and not being purchased. The idea is that if a guru sends out a request to his followers, and they take their time to vote for him or her, that this person deserves the vote.

Criteria for judging the TOP 30 is categorically marked on the basis of the following factors:

  • Public opinion – 30%
  • Originality of ideas – 30%
  • Impact of original ideas – 10%
  • Practicality of ideas – 10%
  • Presentation style (boring gurus get lower points) – 10%
  • Number of publications and writings – 5%
  • Other considerations – 5%

In judging the contenders of the different Global Guru Categories, the emphasis is put on two gatherings that prohibits political, military and public representatives and concentrates on those professionals, thought leaders, mentors, speakers and specialists who create and support competency in others. The Top 30 Gurus, in their individual classifications are the “Cream of the Crop”, the World’s Top 30 most powerful Professional Speakers, Trainers and additionally Consultants in their territories and who have got more than 500 votes each. All of them do not just apply their own principals to accomplish prevalent outcomes in their associations, yet create and impact individuals and associations all through the globe.

They have profoundly qualified Gurus and a board of judges who do intensive and fastidious research in surveying whether a coach, speaker or thought pioneer meets the standards they have set. It is a full-proof and scientific analysis based on both objective and subjective points. The complete procedure is transparent and this quality of transparency enables them to be trusted by the industry moguls throughout the globe.

The selection and voting procedure is done in a scientific manner and latest methods and techniques are used to incorporate as many extra features as possible to make the judgement more precise and accurate. This allows the speakers and motivators with extra skills and achievements to march ahead of those who lack in these qualities. The world acknowledges the fact that a person with better skills and experience would motivate the people in a more efficient manner. Had there been no criteria for selecting the best motivators, they would not have been acknowledged all across the world. The complete exercise tries to acknowledge the cream who have made commendable contribution in motivating the industry and people associated with them.


  1. People don’t need to worry if the criteria will fit them because as stated, they are consist of pioneers that are thought leaders, speakers, trainers, authors, researchers, and experts who bolster information and individual or authoritative advancement in their categories through research, speaking, books, and media.

  2. It is very assuring to use the Globalgurus.org as reference or criteria. It is very dependable as the World’s Top 30 most powerful Professional Speakers, Trainers, and Consultants were involve hear. I am sure that I will learn something after consulting this website.