Five Tips for Hiring New College Graduates in 2021

July 08, 2021

It’s no secret that the American economy is in a weird place. Millions of people have been unemployed, some with little incentive to get back to work. Others are struggling to find a job. Then you add thousands of college graduates into the mix and you have a strange mix. The people graduating are entering an uncertain workforce, with few opportunities for them.

45 percent of people who graduated in 2020 have not found work and now there are 2021 graduates who are making this category even larger. Luckily, there are ways that these newly graduated candidates can fit into this economy. Not only are these people motivated to get a full-time job, they will do it for less than the person who has years of experience. You can mold them into the employee you want them to be. But first, you have to find the right person for the job. Here are some tips to do so.

Focus on Growth

One thing that college graduates and companies need to agree on is that newly graduated employees may not start out where they want to be. It is important for both the employer and the employee to ease into the relationship. This means that you should probably hire them for a lower-level position and be clear that there is room for growth. Every prospective employee wants to hear that they have the possibility of moving up. This will motivate them to work hard and remain loyal to the company. It also gives the employer a chance to get a feel for them as well as find their strengths and weaknesses.

Post on Job Sites

While this might seem obvious, job sites aren’t what they used to be. Not only do the algorithms match you with the right employees, you can even search for specific universities and majors. Education development programs provide insight into what inexperienced employees can do with their skills and education. Be clear about what you are looking for and what you are willing to pay someone who isn’t experienced. You will get a lot of applicants, then you will just need to sift through them.

Use Social Media

Social media is integral to the job search and vetting employees these days. Not only will posting on these platforms alert people that you are hiring inexperienced candidates, it will allow you to be clear about what is expected from an employee of this caliber. Social media affords you the opportunity to do some research about the potential candidates and work towards finding the right person for the position.

Run Background Checks

When people think of background checks, they usually associate it with a criminal record. While they do allow you to find out if the person has been in trouble with the law, a background check for job opportunities offers employment verification, education verification, past addresses and names, and much more. Even if you are hiring recent college graduates, it’s a good idea to run a background check on them. It is tempting for inexperienced recent graduates to lie on their resume because they need to get experience. With a background check, it will be clear who is being honest and who is not.

Don’t Overlook References

It may seem weird to call references of people who aren’t even past employers, but you will learn a lot about a person by calling their personal and professional references. These people may just be teachers, professors, coaches, family members, and friends, but the point remains. You should do due diligence and call the references to get a sense of who the person is, if they work hard, and how dedicated they will be to the business. Don’t overlook references.

With a fluctuating economy and a lot of uncertainty, businesses can use this transition to their advantage. Hiring recent college graduates is a great benefit when you get a hard worker who will grow with the company at a reasonable salary you can afford. Provide room for growth and do your research, you will be able to find the perfect employee in no time. Don’t give up, the inexperienced worker who learns fast is surely out there.

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