PRESS RELEASE (May 31, 2019)


The First physical award event of the Global Gurus List held in Toronto July 6th

For Immediate Release (May 31, 2019):

For the past 10 years, the Global Gurus Online List has been ranking the top 30 of the world’s best experts in various fields like Leadership, Coaching, Organizational Culture, NLP and more based on the criteria of:

  • Public opinion – 30%
  • Originality of ideas – 30%
  • Impact of original ideas – 10%
  • Practicality of ideas – 10%
  • Presentation style – 10%
  • Number of publications and writings – 5%
  • Guru factor 5%

This year we have a stage and are honouring our first “Corps d’Elite” award to Dr. Marshall Goldsmith who will be supporting the event by presenting awards to the world’s best trainers, speakers, and consultants like Ron Kaufman (Customer service guru), Jason Jennings, Chester Elton, John Baldoni, and, Dr. Shailesh Thaker (Leadership gurus), Arthur Carmazzi (Organizational Culture guru), Jonathan Low ( Hospitality guru), John Mattone and Rhiannon Rees (coaching gurus), and many more.

The Global Gurus awards event is open to the public and begins in the morning with short speeches by some of the followed by 2 panel discussions to support best practices and ends in the evening with the awards presentation and Gala Dinner.

The Global Guru List is compiled of 16 categories from Motivational Speakers, and Startup gurus, to Leadership and Organizational Culture gurus from around the world, not only English-speaking countries like the US or UK. It is the ONLY list that acknowledges non-engilsh speaking gurus and gurus in third world countries making an impact for their contribution to the world.

This event is honouring those who are already on the 2019 list and have been acknowledged for their achievements since February 2019.

For more information about the Global Gurus Gala Awards Event, see: or contact